The search begins.

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I went to sleep that night with the thought of turning our pod into a Time Machine, the simple idea of travelling backwards in time by travelling around the world in reverse was in my mind.
If one rotation of the earth turned into a day then if you travel in reverse around the world, would it turn back time let's try it as we now have the opportunity and certainly have the need.
Every day we travel forward in time and I was told that our satellites which travel at high speed above the earth need to have their clocks reset constantly as they travel ahead of us in time.
We then sent our pod into high-speed just about the earth atmosphere and travel backwards around the planet for 12 months, then came back to see if there was any change.

It worked, we had travelled back almost three months so that was the way to avoid the asteroid disaster, we would just have to keep leaving then travel back regularly. Travelling back any great distance in time could not be done within a lifetime but if generations lived on the pod continually travelling then it could be achieved.
I told the story of my dream to the others around the breakfast table, they all looked at me curiously and smiled, my daughter Sally said I think it's about time that I took over the storytelling, you're getting a little bit old for this task now.
I must admit I had the same thoughts for some time, trying to keep up with the writing and the travel was getting a little bit much for me. I would rather spend my time painting and being creative with the art group now.
It is a peaceful way to spend my days rather than trying to keep up with the hectic travelling lifestyle so I agreed to let her take over.  She had been trained as a writer and could probably do a lot better job than I could and my husband Mark agreed, he said that he had been training young tradesmen to take over his work for some time so now we can both retire.
The rest of our team had trainees now ready to take their tasks as well the travelling was becoming a bit too much for them now at their age. It was more important now than ever before to advice of this imminent disaster the Out There control would feed the inflation of the looming disaster to us and we would have to keep the people informed as we were informed and consoled.
We can find new tasks without the inter pod travelling the young team can cope better with this task now.
The new team now consisted of Me Sally the writer, Neil the tradie, Katie physiotherapist, Jackson research and development, Emma and Brian aged care and special needs, all well trained and eager to take on our new roles in these desperate times.

We were soon called to the mission control centre in Washington along with all the world leaders, trainers and pod leaders, it was a tense moment sitting in this enormous room waiting for the presentation, hundreds of people all sat stony-faced and silent.
Jill Sampson then broke the silence by introducing herself as speaker from OUT THERE a newly formed group of specialists dedicated to the urgent task of finding a new earth.
She said that man has spent almost two hundred years searching for such a place without success but now it is a critical time, we must succeed or face a future of just floating around endlessly living in our pods.
We have sent many unmanned missions to the edge of our galaxy and looked into others and found three suitable planets in the Gliese 581 system and named them E1, E2 and E3 but to get there will take almost two hundred years travelling at one-tenth the speed of light which is as fast as our newly designed pods will travel in the vacuum of space.
This imminent disaster now facing us has created a great deal of urgency, we expect the asteroids to reach the earth within five years, so our OUT THERE team have sent ten unmanned specialty high-speed pods to get more information on these planets.
These pods are all spaced well apart in case of disaster and communication with each other and our control centre, they are four feet in diameter and built like a Frisbee with MAG motors mounted around the bottom rim to make them spin and they travel at almost the speed of light.
We are now preparing to send more pods with more sophisticated monitoring equipment and planet rovers to report information back throughout the link.

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