The blast

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On the first inspection of the site, the team found parts of metal frames spread throughout the tunnels and broken sections of what appeared to be a conveyor system that leads to the crater. The number of metal parts and the size of the operation would suggest it had been in use for many years as badly twisted and broken metal fragments showed the magnitude of the blast.
The team spent another week searching the tunnels and found what they believed to be a recreation area for the miners and was mostly intact. A transparent metallic screen was on one wall with a red and green button on the bottom right, the green button was then pressed, and after about ten minutes, the screen began to flicker.

Then after some time, a menu appeared then the team viewed a documentary that told of earth's recent history, revealing information under the heading of the time of acceleration. This documentary showed that in 3007, the Earth's population was at a crisis point, there were too many people for the Earth to provide for, and economies all over the world collapsed.
Many people died from starvation, disease, and criminal gangs; in the twenty years before this situation, world leaders tried to warn of this event, but greed and denial always found a way to replace the leaders with popular demands.
It took almost five years for the turmoil to end, and there was a new set of standards; the population reached for peace, health and sustainability. This came about by people banding together in working communities to fend for themselves with money and material goods, and the ways of the past did not matter now.

This was a time going back thousands of years, and small settlements sprang up all around the world on the coastal fringes. Pollution caused the polar ice to melt, and the sea levels rose; most of our farmland was not suited to grow crops due to over-farming and pollution. Aquaculture was the way to survival, and the settlements crew giant sea kelp, which is the fastest growing plant on earth and these people found many ways to use it.
The mission returned to an anxious waiting world; experts sifted through the samples and information and then concluded that an enormous nuclear blast from an underground mining operation some years in the future had occurred.
But how can that be? One scientist's theory was that the blast was so strong that it caused the Moon to rotate backwards, turning back the time. He explained that looking into space, we can see explosions that happened millions of years ago, and at first, that was hard to believe. If heaven and earth have held these secrets, then this may be another one.

Man has already speculated about mining on the Moon. If the prize is grand enough, then the resources will always be found.
This precious metal we are still researching seems to have no boundaries; it must have been worth the effort to obtain, but as with nuclear power, when it goes wrong, it is catastrophic.
After several months of research, Professor Sergio Pasin found some obscure, partially documented information on the manufacturer of an anti-gravity substance.
This may be what was being manufactured there, which would be a prize worth all the risks; most of the samples had been damaged or contaminated to some extent. The only thing left to do was to send another mission to the moon, and this time it would take mining equipment to search some of the collapsed sections.
It was an enormous undertaking as the space shuttle would have to take a heavy tunnel boring machine. Professor Pasin speculated that rockets used in that disastrous mining operation would have been built from the anti-gravity material; we must get some of this material that has not been contaminated, so we must go back there.

A new mission called Lunar Flare was successfully launched on the 9th of August, 2095; it had a small crew and a tunnel boring machine to unblock collapsed sections, the operation went to plan, and after four days, the miners had cut through into an enormous chamber, here was evidence of heat that had exceeded anything we had seen from an atomic blast.
Maybe they weren't using nuclear energy but something that they could not control; the miners described it as like being inside a giant glass green bubble with bits of metal fused to the walls all around.
The tunnel boring continued for two more days, and they came across another small tunnel which contained what looked like black-box flight recorders used on aircraft.

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