What's the secret?

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The Jupiter moon pod now have many people from selected backgrounds involved on the mission to solve the secret of the mystical yellow glowing crystals, several tests stations have now been set up in the now almost empty pod.
The researchers from S.E.1 worked closely with the newly formed team as they had spent many years trying without success to solve the secret, all their tests and images which were recorded on data devices worn around their necks were submitted so as not to go over the same tests.

The researchers looked through the enormous amount of data then sent it off to the astronomy pod to get their input, this indeed was a baffling crystal so the information was sent to the New World planet to get them involved.
Many months passed the crystals were crushed into a fine powder then spun with a small amount of sterile alcohol until a constant liquid had formed then it's chemical content was analysed. The chemists and scientists found that this was made up of entirely new components with small radioactive elements which could explain the yellow light giving properties.

The team from the astronomy pod said that the crystals may have come from a comet which slammed into the planet millions of years ago then exploded on impact leaving the shattered crystal fragments.
So theories started floating around among the teams the most consistent was that these crystals were not what was mined at all as they appeared to have little value so there must have been something else there with the crystals.
The astronomy pod team said that the crystals had come from a comet which slammed into the planet millions of years ago then exploded on impact leaving the shattered crystal fragments.

The S.E.1 teams will have to do a thorough search of the mined tunnels and perform tests on other tracers of material left there as the first team had no testing equipment and just assumed that the crystals were the target.
Soon after entering the mining chamber, the equipment picked up moderate levels of radiation which got stronger as they entered the tunnels, one of the scientists noticed small pieces of silver-grey metal in the walls of one tunnel, he said we have to get out of here and come back with protective suits as this is Plutonium.

This is what was mined here it's a radioactive chemical that has been used for nuclear fusion so whoever or whatever mined it may be using it to power their machines.
One team of scientists went back the next day suited up to make further examinations of the area then after spending ten hours in the mining area they returned to the pod. Next morning everyone gathered around to hear their report, the astronomy pod and New World pod were also listening in.

The scientists report stated that it was indeed Plutonium that had been mined there and maybe as recently as two thousand years ago, the stairs reported to be going down had been cut from the floor of the mining chamber.
We suspect that there were two types of aliens involved the large mining creatures and the ones that had been buried may have died after being overexposed to the radioactive material.

The aliens that built the stairs may have been much like us as we can walk the steps, we believe that the shaft was drilled with some type of large tunnel boring machine from above.
The mining aliens were lowered to the bottom of the tunnel to create the chamber and tunnels, they would be directed by the smaller intelligent aliens who supervised from the chamber above the stairs where you now live.
As there has been no sign of life on this planet then we believe it was visited by creatures from another planet who had mined this precious metal.

The New Worlds team of engineers, scientists and technicians believed that the aliens would have landed on the top of the shaft where they found traces of the Plutonium.
They may have then drilled a small sinkhole to find the source they then enlarged the hole to send the large excavation aliens down the shaft, the small intelligent aliens were then sent down to supervise the work.
As the Plutonium was a dangerous material to dig, they built the stairs up through a crevice that they found in the cavern ceiling where they found the caves lit with the crystals. In the safety of the caves above the mining operation, they may have had mind-control over the large tunnel-digging aliens.

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