Are there cannibals here?

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As we had almost concluded our search in the caves of this rugged canyon, one of our team spotted some fresh footprints which led them to a small crevice in the canyon floor. I followed behind six others with my heart in my throat, we soon found ourselves in a massive cave system with an underground stream. We walked carefully and quietly and then came across three large men asleep on a sandy beach beside a stream. The men were giants, all must be close to seven feet tall, they were very young and muscular and certainly not malnourished like the people we have found in the past year's.
Could they be the cannibals, if so do we run or wake them? Our team leader said they are greatly outnumbered and we have the secret weapon, we offer them the antidote to the space bug. Our leader woke one of them with a tap on the shoulder, he jumped up in fright and that woke the others, they stood up and towered over us.
It was a truly frightening moment, our leader introduced our team to them and explained how we had found a cure to stop the alien bugs. He said we have been searching for survives to treat them so they will be safe from these killer bugs, they looked nervous then spoke, and accepted the treatment.We said almost everyone is now living back in the community pods, do you want to come with us? They all shook their heads then wandered off further into the endless cave system.
We all agreed that these three were the cannibals as the would not have a physical condition like that living on the few nuts and berries to be found in the forest here.

After returning to our navigation pod, our leader reported the incident to the head community leader, he said have the Bee drones follow them and let's see what else is down there. The next day the drones sent back the vision of the three with another six people of similar stature they all had clubs and spears, behind them we heard cries for help, there was a large pit which held at least twenty people. This indeed was a difficult situation as violence and weapons had not been seen for hundreds of year's, I wondered just how our leaders would deal with these giants.One of our research chemists came up with a small tranquillizer dart that could be fired by the drones, this will render them unconscious for several hours.
I returned with a team of thirty men to follow the drones into the cave system, we watched while the giants were rendered unconscious, we walked over and cautiously checked them and tired them up. There were cries and cheered from their captives, we lowered a ladder into the pit that the giants had built, we then had to ascend into this smelly pit to carry many of the captives out as they were unable to walk. Some of these people were close to death, so we carried them back to the waiting hospital pod which had flown to the site, we went back for the others and found them standing around the pit yelling and swearing.
They had thrown the giants into the pit, the victims yelled now stay there and eat each other you bleep, bleep, bleep.
As we didn't have a way to deal with them, we just left them there and returned to the hospital pod with the other survives.

On the trip back to mission control the survivers told me of their terrifying ordeal and how the tribe of giants came about, the leader a mean man called Jezza spent years searching through the small groups of people then approached the tall strong young people, he told them that if they joined with him they would not go hungry anymore. Once back at mission control, I then went with a new team on the continuing search for survivors and spent another two years but in that time we only managed to locate forty-three people who were in poor health. We found many deceased groups and it was sad to see their struggle for survival, especially the children. After seeing this I can almost see just how Jezza managed to put together his band of giant cannibals. Reports came through from mission control that the other search teams had similar results from all over the planet, so it was decided to then call off the search after eight years.
Now was the time to gather up our small population, bring them back to health and educate our young people, we now have a great need for experts as most were wiped out by the alien bug, the few remaining ones we have left are old and need to pass on their knowledge.One of our old computer technical experts had continued to communicate with the community on Mars from time to time throughout all the turmoil, he said their community was in decline as very few children were being borne here.
They reported that the Jupiter moon communities were booming as the conditions there were much more suited to humans.
Only three of earths underground settlements were communicating with Mars and again reported hard times and a shrinking population. Earth was still an inhospitable frozen wasteland covered in dark skies, it could be millions of years before earth returns to the way it was even though, I have never seen it.

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