There must be more to discover.

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The vision from the amazing super craft was examined and discussed by all the people involved in the project.
There were many questions left unanswered about these fascinating aliens.
Do these aliens inhabit other planets in our solar system or just the other side of the black hole?
What is the extent of their population?
How can we get samples of the material that they mined here on the red dwarf orbiting S.E.3?
Are they a threat to the colonies on S.E.3 as they are mining close bye?

The astronomy pod team could not understand just why the super craft had not burned up in the intense heat of the black hole.
They asked the New World team to explain, the answer was that the craft was built from a mysterious metal.
The New Worlds archeological team uncovered what they believed to be part of the core of an exploded star.
The metal could not be melted so it was cut then hammered into shape to make the craft.

The sophisticated electronic systems were installed internally between the inner and outer shell.
The cameras had lenses made from a glass-like substance found under the mysterious metal.
The super craft was unique and performed its mission against all odds.
Now that we have it back we will give it a thorough check over then send it on the mission it was built for to survey earth.

The team on the astronomy pod said while the super craft was on its forty year earth mission you're technicians can look towards updating the super craft for its second trip through the black hole to seek more details on the aliens.
If it's possible to have some Bee drones on board and for it to collect samples from the aliens' planet.
With all checks done as well as maintenance on the super craft it was sent on its way to earth.

The year is 4396 and the super craft returned to New World after completing the earth mission.
After making thousands of low-level flights around the earth it was revealed that the planet is a frozen waist-land.
Some evidence was seen in a few areas of what appeared to be small creatures footprints on the snow with holes found nearby.
The atmosphere must be on the mend for them to surface but the ice is many miles deep over most of the planet.

It may take another eight to ten thousand years before we can repopulate our home planet again.
In the meantime we're doing our best to ensure our survival on many planets.
The human race has now lived in peace with each other for thousands of years and under extreme circumstances.
The colonies now enjoy the simple things in life without the use of technology and gadgets.

The New World team has found a way to carry the Bee drones insulated within the body of the super craft.
Ten retractable sample containers can be fitted around the rear of the craft which can also deliver and retrieve the Bee drones.
The New World team has the most sophisticated equipment as well as technicians of all the colonies as it's the largest.
It was the first planet settled after the people pods left earth more than two thousand years ago.

The plan now is to send the super craft back into the black hole following the same path as before.
Fly to the aliens' planet then survey this large planet fully to get a better understanding of the aliens' occupation.
To find out the full extent of their mining operations on the planet.
Why is there so much mining and what they are mining?

The super craft left New World and met with the astronomy pod in 4423, the voice recognition task was then performed and the craft was first sent to the red dwarf to obtain samples of the mining material.
The red dwarf was an unbelievably hot planet so these aliens must be almost indestructible to survive here.
Two samples were obtained and the mining operation appeared to have been abandoned for many years so the aliens may not need to enter our solar system any more.

The astronomy pod team had hoped that this was the case but there was still the case of why the pod was attacked by hundreds of these alien spacecraft in the past so we must learn more about them.
The super craft left the red dwarf then carefully entered the black hole at the exact safe point then once again a blinding light is all that came into view then all went blank.
Then once again eighteen months later the vision of that massive solar system came into view, the super craft then made its way to the alien planet where it spent almost ten years surveying the planet at least five times larger than earth.

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