The guardien aliens.

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These incredible and strange creatures are really our guardians the images and stories that they implanted in our heads are truly believable after spending time with them and questioning all the options.
It's hard to understand that we humans have been around for many millions of years but it's possible as time can erase history and unless we can prove it then we must accept it.
We are now all prepared to leave this planet as soon as we are notified of an attack from the killer aliens but travelling through a gateway taking only what we can carry is a huge leap of faith.

When and if we reach our destination on planet earth and not knowing just what to expect and what awaits us is frightening, our people will have to return to the hunter and gather stage of life and what will we hunt or what will hunt us.
Only the young fit and strong can travel through the gateway so for most of us leaving our parents behind to be wiped out by the killer aliens is difficult but they know that it is the only way for us to survive. The gateway is in place and will remain until we leave which could be days or months but now that we have all agreed and accepted our fate we're ready to go as directed.

The guardian aliens have gone off to notify our people on New Hope of the extermination of the humans on S.E. 2 and the planned departure of the able-bodied people on S.E.3 to the selected locations on planet earth.
The population on S.E.2 will be the next target for the killer aliens after S.E.3 and at the speed that these killers travel it may not take long. Once the guardian aliens relocate the people from S.E.3 they will set up a gateway to help the people from New Hope.
The first planet that the earth's population inhabited New World was so far away then the urgency to move them was not as great.

The year is 13622 and as I am one of the many aged people and can't travel to earth through the gateway I decided not to go and hide in the caves as the others did but to continue to communicate with the people on New World to inform them of our plight.
I set myself up in the people pod and I was about to send a message to them when I received a message in my head that the killer aliens were on their way and I knew that the pod would be their first target so I continued to broadcast until it was all over.
I then received a message that the transition through the gateway was completed and that is closed to not let the killer aliens in then in a massive blast it was all over.

My name is Kenna and I was the first to run through the gateway to earth I watched and waited until everyone had arrived safely then as the elected storyteller I began to gather information about our new home and even though I had not been here before it felt like home and I felt safe which is strange as I have only just arrived. It's only been around 11,500 years since man left earth and now we're returning to an entirely different planet, a planet that has risen from the ashes of asteroids and volcanoes.
From what I see here is lush green pastures a crystal clear stream rocky cliffs with caves for shelter, it's a great start and since our short time learning from the guardian aliens we can now communicate telepathically so I know we all feel safe here.

It's a strange thing communicating with each other without speaking, it's so much easier and I can see that in the not too distant future language will cease to exist and I wonder if that's the way humans were in the beginning after their involvement with the guardian aliens. Our next task was to set up camp and make plans for our survival, the guardian aliens provided us with information on small creatures that lived in the streams called fish as well as information on plants to eat.
We made our way to the caves and settled into the hundreds of caves then hundreds went in search of food, catching the fish proved to be difficult at first so we just lived on the vegetation.

Some thoughtful people brought grain with them through the gateway so when the crops mature we can continue to plant and live as we did before. It took several months before we managed to find a way to catch the fish with were in great numbers then we all found eating them raw wrapped in broad flat leaves was the best food we had ever had . Our people could only bring what they could carry while running so only clothing and food were taken mostly.
We don't have any form of power or our precious Bee drones so we will have to live here as the first humans did millions of years ago but somehow it feels natural here and now and hopefully we are safe from the killer aliens and predators.

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