The astronomy pod.

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The geologist were fascinated by this moon they called their new home they wish to get out and do some exploring so I took them out and introduced them to some of the people that may be able to assist as guides into the unknown territory.
The six-person team equipped themselves and within two weeks they were off searching all around this moon for new signs of life then three weeks later the news comes back that they disappeared search parties went out and I was with them then came the terrible discovery footprints led into a collapsed cave on the edge of the habitable zone in the cold region.
All the searchers tried to dig into the collapsed section we found a small opening and we sent a B drone in it was a large cave system and then the terrible vision came back all the people were crushed when a large roof section had collapsed on them and they all been injured this was sad.

Two of the geologist guides team had children and me so I adopted them and as my adopted mother did after the death of her friends, my parents. her children a girl aged seven Skyla and a boy aged twelve Marzey then stayed with me in the headquarters pod they had heard my stories and listen to me as I gave them about where they came from planet Earth.
I told them stories about the many different living beings that lived on that magical planet humans were only a small part of the earth's population thousands of different creatures some called animals some called birds which were flying animals and the oceans and rivers were teeming with fish.
The more I tried to explain to the children the less credible it seemed to be to them, I must admit that when I was a kid and my parents told me these stories me thought that they were making them up.
It was only after hearing the same stories over the following years from people who had lived on earth; this place must have been a true paradise. When Skyla was sixteen she told me that she wished to continue on as the storyteller when my time is up I said it won't be long as I could feel the ravages of time catching up with me.
Marzey has now made a new life for himself as a technical assistant here in the headquarter pod and was learning quickly from the great people here.

The population was steadily rising but there were still enough people transport pods here to take them to the planet New World for hundreds of years to come, once the pods deliver the people they would then make the two hundred year journey back here so the Jupiter moon where we now live will never become overpopulated again.
The astronomers, scientists and engineers have now spent many years converting one of the transportation pods into a specialty pod with twelve powerful telescopes of all kinds.
They planned to fly above the Milky Way as there they can get a true understanding of what our solar system; we live on the edge of the disc-shaped system so are unable to fully see the solar system.
The more I heard about this fantastic mission the more that I wanted to go with them, Skyla said if you go with them your years as a storyteller are only short no so I would like to come, I told her that she will never return from this mission as it could take a thousand years. The plan was to take our brightest young couples to be able to breed and continue the good work so you will need to find a partner, she said I have one and I was going to introduce you to him soon.
I said what does he do, will he be accepted, Skyla said he works here in the communications department, he is also a gym instructor, that's where I met him, I said great sounds like we have ticked all the boxes.
Two months later this magnificent pod was ready so all the intakes were taken of a tour, the facilities were immaculate; the massive hydroponic gardens will feed the ten thousand people that will live here.

The big day came, I said goodbye to Marzey and the many friends I had made here, Marzey said it's not goodbye I will be communicating with you regularly and look forward to seeing the many discoveries this mission will send back to us.
We set off then did an amazing close trip around the gas giant Jupiter it was truly breathtaking taking it had always thought that it didn't have a solid core, just a gas planet, and our incredible scans found it to be full of rubble.
Its core may have exploded leaving the fragments just floating inside this massive gas cloud our pod left for the endless journey into outré space the further we flew above the disc solar system the clearer the images became as our telescopes didn't have to search through the clutter.

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