Goodbye to Justin

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I'm sure following this whirlwind story kept Justin going years longer than he would have as he was captivated right from the start, following and reporting the stories for everyone.
My grandfather started telling me the stories from the first moment I could understand, I've been following the rapid development as he did, I hope I can do just as good a job as him now that I have taken over the storytelling.
I've been living in one of these pods now for several years; in fact, it was the third pod to be sent to Australia.
I was selected because of my involvement with Justin, it's been just great living here, I will start by telling you about myself then describing this remarkable people pod I call home.
My name is Penny Anderson I am 27 years old, I met then married Mark five years ago prior to moving into the pod.
At first, Mark was against the move he was a tradie and surfer, he thought he may lose his freedom, he like many others thought that this was all being forced upon us, and then I convinced him to give it a try.
I said if it didn't suit us then we could just come back to this life of endless debt, going from one rental to another, we would never be able to buy a house of our own. We took a shuttle pod to the people pod hovering just offshore in Morton Bay, Brisbane, we had been looking at it for a while, it didn't look inviting, this massive dull olive green sphere with no windows.
Once inside it was like the feeling you get when you first walk into a new amazing shopping complex, it's bland outside but certainly not inside.

This place was enormous, inside was everything you'd want, we were taken on a tour with a group of twenty people.
The sports facilities were on three levels with the movie and games sections at the top.
We couldn't believe our eyes we were given a massive six-star apartment, it had floor to ceiling window views which could be altered by the touch of a button, beach, snow, mountains or whatever you wanted.
The apartments were spread out all around the perimeter of the pod, nothing was crowded, and it was like putting 10,000 people in a complex that would hold 50,000.
Mark said how do we come and go from here, I still work and Judy said there's always shuttle's ready to take you wherever you want to go. I said can we bring our friends here to visit, Judy said, of course; there are plenty of guest's suites.
We want you to promote this way of life, there are more pods coming all the time, think of this place as a holiday resort you stay at for as long as you like, everyone finds it hard to believe at first, they ask what the catch is.
We have many specialists here to help as well as mentors and training programs, a lot of our training is to help you adjust, reducing stress, so you can get into your comfort zone quickly.
Recreational games and sports are encouraged, holiday travel to anywhere in the world happens frequently, whether it be sightseeing or visiting friends and relatives.
We then went to mingle with the other star-struck newcomers, there were people of all ages some with disabilities and some didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Once you get used to the concept that money doesn't exist you will figure it all out faster, we want happy healthy people, and everyone works here on a voluntary basis in a field they choose.
We provide for you, and you provide for us, we are a living community who help each other; it's as simple as that.
Mark and I awoke next morning with a better understanding of what this place was about; even Justin with all the stories over the years couldn't understand this stage.
I said let's check out the job situation, we found Judy then Mark said, is there a computer cafe here where we can do a job search, Judy said that was also a thing of the past, we encourage human interaction and that's one of the jobs available.
If you see a volunteer wearing a yellow armband they are job advisers, we walked around then noticed many different colour armbands. We sat down in a coffee shop saw a man wearing a yellow armband, I said hi I'm Penny and this is Mark, he said please to meet you, my name is Glen how can I help.
I said we've just moved in and still trying to understand this concept, we need to information on the work situation.
Glen said well Penny let's start with you, what did you do before, I said that I worked in a supermarket but it closed a while back due to these flying supermarkets. He then said what would you like to do now?

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