The people pod

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World leaders decided to try the first people pod in Africa, there was a lot of poverty in many parts, these people were the first people on earth, so it's is fitting that they should be the first to lead us in this new direction.
There were people recently set up in a temporary village tending crops created by Big Bean, these people, as well as other small tribes not known to each other, will be housed in the new people pod.
The pod has been set up with many separated comfortable living spaces, an Olympic size swimming pool and many sporting facilities, a medical centre and a movie theatre; these are indeed luxury conditions compared to the way these people lived now. This pod also had shuttle pods which would take workers out to tend the crops and livestock, the pod would levitate twenty feet off the ground providing shade and shelter for livestock.
These people who were among the most disadvantaged thought this place was heaven, they were farming in one of the hottest and harshest places on earth, the Sahara desert.

The pod provided a temperature-controlled living environment; it provided shade for them to work in during the day.
This remarkable pod also provides growing lights beneath it to allow the crops to grow continually.
The children were taught school and sports within the pod, it was expected that some of these would become the sporting champions of the future. A great diet and lifestyle would produce great healthy happy people.
Various pods will now be manufactured, some as holiday pods, some used for cargo, some for manufacturing and the list went on and on. Within a short period, the highways were deserted the only traffic in the towns and cities were bicycles.
This stress-free mode of transportation was the only way to go, within a few years the pollution levels were halved, the cost of infrastructure will now drop by as much as 70%.
This more than justified the investment in the manufacture of these pods as well as the ongoing development.

World leaders met again with mission control to discuss the next step, design engineers from mission control said we had trialled a manufacturing pod.
The components are delivered to the pod by drones, assembly is automated then the final product is delivered by freight pods, we see this method could be used for almost everything; the pods can be mobile or even stationed hovering offshore.
The power-saving ability has just begun to be found, oil, coal, solar and wind power generating power are all expensive, the future now these MAG motors, they will outperform anything, they are safe, silent and once produced run at little or no cost.
Mission control suggested we have now to take the big step, house the world's population in these pods, the world leaders were shown videos of the Sahara experiment, the videos showing the selected people in their environment prior to life in the pod.
These people were selected as they were disadvantaged people from all over Africa, our training team asked them to try this lifestyle for three months, and if it's not suitable they may go back to their old lifestyle.
Not one person asked to go back; regular health checks were made, the healthy diet, as well as the clean freshwater, showed them to be amongst the world's healthiest people after just six months.

The leaders were amazed at what they've seen and heard, no roads, airports or transport of any kind except these pods, towns, cities and factories will cease to exist. People will just be living in these pods and floating around all over the world.
The population will be able to grow and live together, segregation and money as we know it will end.
Within twelve months forty people pods were in place in many countries around the world, again disadvantaged people living in arid regions were selected as they had the most to gain.
The world's population watched the rapid rise of this system, for most of the people they kept looking for a catch; this can't be provided for any payment.
A world where money and personal material goods were not needed was hard to believe, for everyone to be equal has never happened in man's history.
Slowly people from the general population who were not well off came onboard, the wealthy held back as they thought that they had too much to lose. Soon the country towns became ghost towns, the cities then began to die, the roads became overgrown with vegetation, time and nature will clean up most of the damage we have caused to our precious planet.
Whatever the reason for this miracle, we've now got this chance to live together in harmony and heal our precious earth, we need to take hold of it with both hands and make it work for everyone.

These amazing pods had 10,000 people living in what was like a luxury resort, you just saw happy smiling people everywhere.
The children have schooling as well as the use of all the amazing sports facilities; they all just loved these places.
Within three months most of the people living in these pods were well and truly in control of their lives and pleased to be living now in a stress-free environment.
Mission control was turning out the people pods in large numbers now, the disadvantaged people from all over the world were continually publicised in an effort to have everyone live this way in these pods.
There were many people who resisted, as their way of life had changed now, there were no roads, no shops to get supplies from; mission control had drones setup to deliver food to them.
Mission control kept spreading the word of a poverty-free world where everyone contributed to a great lifestyle, in an effort to shame all these diehard people to join in.
Soon mobile hospitals were travelling worldwide, factories, workshops, schools, function and sporting centres.
The world was a far different place; leaders couldn't believe what had happened in such a short space of time.
People now don't need money any more, the things we worked for in the past just for the sake of greed and vanity have all gone, and people have changed direction and are much happier and healthier with this way of life.In the past, it seemed the more we worked, the harder it became to achieve what we wanted, our goals just kept changing, we needed a better car, a bigger house and so on, it was a merry go round we just couldn't get off.
Taxes kept increasing to pay for the now-defunct infrastructure, money created a swamp of depression. For many the harder they tried the more they sank into the swamp, this created a sense of hopelessness, crime and a lack of direction, it became like quicksand in the end.

Now the world's cities have been abandoned, some pods had communities linked together, and people could travel from pod to pod using shuttles, there were pods for the elderly where they were all well cared for.
There were no wild fish caught now, all the fish were pod farmed in the sea or the lakes, hydroponic pods grew a fresh nutritious range of fresh food which flew to the community pods.
Shopping centre pods would come to the people as would work stations hospitals and event centres.
The analysis showed global warming had almost ceased completely and a reversal was happening the air was clean and healthy. The cities now needed to be demolished as they were unsightly, new demolition pods were developed for this purpose, removal of roads, bridges and many other unsightly structures will also be done to bring the earth back to the way it was.
Demolition teams were engaged throughout the world to remove recyclable material.
Exotic timber some of these took up to 100 years to grow so they were regarded as unreplaceable.
Steel and quarried natural stone were also in this category as they would no longer be produced for environmental reasons.
Once the demolition teams had completed their tasks the high rise buildings were laser cut into sections.
They were then cleaned to be taken by a lift pod to be sunk as artificial reefs as fish breeding stations.
The rubble was taken to regions where erosion needed to be halted, steel was stockpiled for future use, and timber and stone will be used in the internal fit-outs of new pods.
The rubble and materials considered to be of no use were used to fill the many unsightly mining holes around the world.I can't tell you any more of the story now because it's time for me to go, it's been one hell of a ride, and I'm going to watch now from above.
I am sure it will head in the right direction, we have avoided that disaster showed so many years ago from the moon explosion.
I would just love to have lived all of my life in one of these communities myself but I've been caught up in this horrible thing called old age. We will live a much better life now with the development of these flying pods, it's time to check out now but I asked my granddaughter Penny to take over so see you later on, goodbye.

Read part 7           Goodbye to Justin

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