What are our chances against these aliens?

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My name is Oriya I am the storyteller on the planet S.E.3 the year is 4560 for many months now our community have felt like that were being watched strange flickering lights had been seen by everyone and most reported voices in their heads.
I woke almost every night with strange dreams and thoughts then they started happening in the day a voice in my head then kept asking if I was the leader I yelled I am the storyteller the voice in my head said don't speak your words just think them.
This was starting to freak me out now, am I going crazy I thought, the voice said no you're not I am the communicator.

I took a deep breath and thought who are you, the voice said I am the communicator from a research team of beings you call aliens we have been watching you and reading your thoughts for some time now to assess if you are a threat to our small team. I then scream bloody hell the aliens are here, several people nearby yelled were as they looked around, the voice said calmly don't speak just think you're words, we mean you no harm, in fact, we are here to help you, now reassure your people that everything's well.

I soon got the hang of communicating with my mind I asked are you the aliens from the planet within the black hole, the alien's answer was yes, I thought our people fear your knowledge and weapons the alien's answer was we are aware of all of your fears and thoughts, we have been helping and communicating with human beings for millions of years.
I thought how can this be, from my knowledge of our past we have not been around that long, the reply was I am aware of your feeble record-keeping but humans have destroyed themselves many times in the past and time destroyed all the evidence,

We know that humans are basically peaceful and friendly but greed warlords and power-hungry tyrants led them to destruction many times, I thought have you lived on earth the answer was we have been studying creatures on earth as well as other planets that humans lived on before they were destroyed. There was a time when humans lived together in great numbers peacefully for almost ten thousand years it was when the Sahara desert was green and food was plentiful, we had a way to appear to them as friends and we helped them cut and move large stones as well as giving them knowledge for them to advance.

We had the same relationship with humans in many parts of planet earth but towards the end of the their time on earth, we stayed away as we grew to fear them maybe the way you fear us now. I thought then to the question of what other planets did humans inhabit before earth? The answer came back humans evolved on a large moon which we saw being drawn closer to Jupiter and was on a collision course with another moon so we relocated them to Mars before their moon was destroyed and formed several smaller moons orbiting the gas giant.

Humans lived on Mars for over three million years before the planet became uninhabitable so we relocated the small population to earth almost twelve million years ago. I thought this is hard to believe as it goes against everything I have been told or read, the answer came back that humans were very primitive for millions of years and no record of their early existence was found.
I then thought of their threat to us as we were told of their weapons and power, the answer came back our weapons were developed over five million years ago when our planet was attacked and our species almost wiped out by thousands of small spacecraft.

Two of the spacecraft had crashed and they each had a small alien pilot, these aliens had large heads with large black eyes and small slim bodies. This craft had blinding speed and camouflage so we could not detect them, we then copied their superior weapons and much of their technology to be able to defend ourselves in the future.
These killers attacked our planet another two times so we sent our population underground when we were warned of another attack, these killers seemed to just kill for sport. They attacked earth several times in the past and may have destroyed life on other planets, we have tried to follow them but can't match their speed they come from an enormous black hole on the other side of ours.

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