What a chance

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This was a great chance to be able to get aid for the people of Quilpie; I put together a plan then asked for the ABC television program Widecountry to become involved. They jumped at the chance to cover such a story so they set up a meeting with the people in Quilpie, filming of many properties was taken to show the devastation.
The presenter did many interviews with the locals on their properties, showing just how bad the conditions were, dead and dying stock everywhere, even the kangaroos here were dying from thirst and starvation.I then took the team to Alan Gilbert's property; I had Alan take us to the top of the hill where the first moon explosion was seen.
I sent the news story put together by Widecountry to mission control; they investigated the first moon explosion sighting and confirmed that Alan Gilbert's sighting was the first one ever reported by me, Alan was in the right place at the right time to see this event. Mission control agreed that the next Big Bean would be sent to Quilpie to help out with relieving the drought conditions.
I was overwhelmed with the news and couldn't wait to pass this on to all waiting on the outcome.
I received a call from the mission control spokesperson stating that they had Big Bean ready to go as it is filled with water and can arrive when I want it.
The Australian prime minister, Queensland's premier and world's press converged on this tiny Australian outback town to witness this miraculous event.
The whole town and all the surrounding population were lined up wall to wall, thousands of tourists had the roads blocked with their caravans so they would not make it to town to see this miracle happen.
This story will indeed put their tiny outback Australian town on the map worldwide; these desperate people living on the dry dusty land just exist here now hanging on hoping for rain.
If this man-made rain cloud was true, it would change life for everybody in this vast dry land as it would be all around the world in dry arid country, it would solve the food shortage worldwide in a short period of time.
The prime minister of Australia and the Queensland premier invited me to meet with them in Quilpie for the event.

Mission control then said this massive flying water disc is on its way, it's hard to imagine something as big as a large city sporting stadium filled with water and flying.
The prime minister, premier myself and Alan in his Sunday best lined up behind an enormous ribbon stretched across the main street, news crews were in attendance in their hundreds, someone yelled I see it, it's coming, Big Bean then hovered quietly at the edge of the town, the ribbon was cut after the usual political speeches then came a roar from the crowd.
Big Bean then gave a demonstration on the outskirts of the tiny dusty town, it looked like an enormous shower head being turned on, I looked at the many locals, mouths and eyes opened wide, and there was a time of silence then a roar of excitement.
I was overrun with requests from desperate property owners, when would they get Big Bean to their places, and how long will it be here for? I told them that I didn't know but when mission control releases a statement you will be informed.
I met the publican there in the crowd, he said it was like seeing something out of a science fiction movie, I said it would be great if a Big Bean pod was to deliver regular water to the drought-stricken properties all over the world, it would change the way they grow crops, raise livestock and provide food for the ever-growing population.
He said I would love to see that happen before I die.Big Bean then flew off to give a designated list of properties a good drink, then it flew away to restock from overfull freshwater catchment dams, it could fly anywhere in the world to collect water quickly and efficiently. I then got the great news from mission control that this Big Bean would remain in Australia to not only drought-proof the existing properties but to also allow people to open up new farming land by watering its vast desert regions.
I felt so pleased to be part of making this happen, even the prime minister shouted me a beer in the overcrowded and noisy pub.

On the drive back to Brisbane I kept pinching myself and wondering if this was for real, what has mission control got planned next, these were indeed very exciting times.
Mission Control was now successfully mass producing the pods; it wouldn't be long before they are turning out one per day, the replacement of the space shuttle with BUTTLE made this possible.
The recent results prove to be a real-life changer, vision of some of the properties at Quilpie, what was a short time ago a red sandy desert to now being a sea of grass was truly remarkable.
The premier presented videos of dams being kept at levels never before seen; it would appear that we can now control the ravages of nature.
The San Francisco fire department sent an e-mail to the mission control development team stating that a fire fighting pod be considered. It would replace all of the water bombers and be able to contain the dreaded wildfires anywhere quickly, replacing all our trucks these pods will change the way we fight fires.
The development team said this is where we should look for new ideas; it's getting harder for the ever-growing team to keep up.

Let's send emails to these sources starting with the emergency services, we should think now of not want we can do, but where to get suggestions. Within two weeks they have overrun with suggestions from mobile hospitals to jails.
The motor industry came up with many concepts the first to try would be a people moving pod (PMP).
This will potentially replace trains, buses ships and aircraft, the design of this pod has hundreds of people seated as they would at a sports stadium. Lifts would take them to smaller pods mounted below this smaller craft, which would then deliver them to their destination. This will allow the PMP to keep moving as passengers will simply come and go via the smaller shuttle pods.
The farm machinery could be replaced by various unmanned pods, set to operate within sections they will have the ability to cultivate the seed, fertiliser and harvest all without putting any pressure on the ground.
The current heavy machinery is just compressing the fragile soil as well as guzzling an enormous amount of fuel.
Reports were coming in regularly now from the pods scattered throughout the world.
One unique experiment in Texas showing sections of the desert that had been regularly watered producing grass, longhorn cattle fed on the plentiful grass, the cattle would stay within its perimeter as that was where the feed was, thus eliminating the need for fences. Once the grass was dwindling another nearby plot was prepared to allow the ground to recover, this is a very clever land management scheme it will open up farming in arid regions all over the world.

Another experiment conducted in Africa was the watering of parts of the Sahara desert, a pod was made to take water from Lake Victoria, and then watered sections of the desert that had never seen rain in recorded history.
It took some time but plants then grew, some of them had been long extinct specimens, scientists rushed these to the laboratories for testing. Seeds that had lain dormant for thousands of years beneath the desert sand sprang to life.
The need now for fertiliser's, herbicides and pesticides could be a thing of the past, crops will simply be grown on new fertile land, the stock would then feed on the stubble then the ground left to recover.
The world has an endless amount of arid virgin land but very little of that has been farmed in the past due to the lack of water. Another success story is one of an aquaculture experiment off the coast of Norway, Salmon farms often had previously suffered from infections, these fish were fed with pellets full of growth-enhancing supplements they also have antibiotics to prevent disease.

The experimental pod was submersible; it was constantly moving to provide fresh water through the pod's gills.
Bait breeding pods kept the fish well-fed and in peak condition, tests revealed that these fish had greatly improved health benefits and grew aquaculture pods were then set up throughout the world for many species of fish beneath the oceans and freshwater lakes, Nutritionists conducted tests over several years of people living in regions where their only source of food and water was derived from these pods. The results were astounding; these people were by far much healthier.
Pure freshwater was delivered to these crops on a regular basis; the crops were free from fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides.
Meat and fish free from hormones and antibiotics was much more beneficial.News of the new super humans was released by mission control, the people living in these remote arid regions. These people from poor disadvantaged sectors now had a happy healthy life. All of a sudden the disadvantaged became the advantaged; the time had come to try to create a human village pod.
I was still captivated by the stories of the total transformation of the world and its people from what was initially a disaster then, explosion on the moon.

Read part 6         The people pod

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