chapter 1: neko

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chapter 1:

"One of a kind rare fish-men is next!" The announcer grinned happily, "As you know fish-man is known for being able to breathe underwater, but they also have superhuman strength on land!"

"I'll take the fish man for one million berries!" A Celestial Dragon cackled.

"I'll pay two million!" Another one cheered.

"Three million!"

"Four million!"

Law quietly stayed in the back of the auction, he didn't want to get involved. This was his first auction after all. He silently smirked at all the World Nobles, what fools they are. Most of them are either fat, ugly, or both. Law is most likely the only one who cares about his appearance, although there were a few more Celestial Dragons that looked decent.

Eustass Kidd, Law glared at him as he sat a few seats down from him. Eustass was a mysterious man, Law couldn't really put his finger on it but he chose to ignore him. Eustass has only a few slaves though, like Law he doesn't really buy much. They both didn't wear the clothing Celestial Dragons wear, they both wore kimonos rather than the idiotic bubble-shaped helmets the other people in the crowd wore and the white baggy clothing.

Law had thought this would be interesting, just as he was about to get up a small petite boy walked on to the stage. He had black cat ears and a long soft fluffy tail. His body was quite thin, but his skin looked delicate as ever. The slave had this pear-shaped body, even though he was a boy.

"Monkey D. Luffy! A rare Neko cat!" The auctioneer smirked, "Though he doesn't have any muscles or strength to carry cargo, he's a good slave to have a good time with if you know what I mean!"

All the perverted Celestial Dragons began to wave their signs around. Law quickly turned his attention to the fragile boy. He had a chain wrapped around his neck and cuffs on his wrists, though it didn't even seem like he needed them since he looked so harmless.

"I'll take one million berries for him!"

"Three million!"

"Five million!"

"Ten million berries!"

Law smirked and raised his sign, "Fifty million berries!"

All the Celestial Dragons turned to him, Law didn't feel any embarrassment though. He seemed quite happy getting all of this attention. The World Nobles that were in the room had their mouths hung open as Law walked down the stairs to get a closer look at the Neko cat.

The slave had reminded Law of someone, someone special he had met when he was a kid.

"A-Anyone else? Fifty-one million? Sixty million?" The auctioneer stuttered from shock.

The Celestial Dragons didn't dare to speak, Law had already won this battle. Silence filled the room as the auctioneer looked around to see if anyone else had their hands raised.

"A-Alright sir, this slave is yours. He'll be ready for you at the end of the auction..."

"Thank you," Law smirked and went back up the stairs to sit back down.

He passed by Eustass, who has had a sick smile on his face. Law had wondered what Eustass was thinking about, he really is a mystery. When he sat back down, Luffy was dragged to the back along with the other slaves that had been purchased.

Luffy, what an adorable little kitty.


"Here he is, Monkey D. Luffy." One of the workers presented him.

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