chapter 10: share

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chapter 10:

Law and Eustass kissed Luffy all over his body, Law trailed kissed down Luffy's smooth pale back while Eustass smooched and sucked Luffy's neck. Luffy was spilling out moans from his mouth while holding on to Eustass.

"Mm..." Luffy whimpered.

Law slid off Luffy's nightgown, leaving the Neko naked. The only reason why he had said yes to this was that Eustass isn't planning on giving Luffy back. This is the only option, but it's been so long that Law had touched Luffy.

Luffy felt Law's lips brush against his waist, feeling his hot breath against his skin. Eustass though averted Luffy's attention on to him who bit down on Luffy's fragile shoulder.

"Ah!" Luffy cried a bit.

Law gritted his teeth as Eustass glared at him, this was war. Their kisses became harder and rougher as if they've been starving for days. Luffy moaned and whimpered at their actions as they left numerous hickeys on his body.

Both of the muscular men admired the slave in front of them. His flushed and sweaty face, and his body looked like one of those female kpop idols. Both of their members hardened. Law took off his shirt while unbuckling his pants, Eustass took off his clothes.

Luffy panted against the silk bed sheets, Eustass picked up Luffy. He set the Neko on all fours, his knees and hands were laid on the bed as his butt was up in the air, Luffy blushed as he felt the two men's eyes gaze at him.

"You're a guest Trafalgar," Eustass smirked, "You go first."

"Whatever," Law rolled his eyes.

Law slipped in two fingers in Luffy's tight wet ass. Luffy whimpered as his legs began to shake, feeling Law's thick and long fingers move around in him as Law tried to open the Neko up. Eustass pulled Luffy into another kiss, their tongues gliding over each other. Luffy felt the warmth and hot breath of Eustass' as he ran his hands through his red hair.

"Nya!" Luffy whimpered and pulled away from the kiss.

Law jammed four of his fingers in Luffy, Eustass scowled at the man for ruining his make-out session with Luffy. Law smirked and made a scissor motion with his hands in Luffy.

"Ngh! Law!" Luffy panted.

Eustass despised hearing that name in front of him, especially from Luffy's mouth. Eustass took out his lengthy thick member, it was already rock hard. Luffy gulped at the sight of how large it was.

"Open wide Luffy..." Eustass teased.

Eustass grabbed a fistful of the nineteen-year old's hair and forced Luffy to take it all in. The Neko gagged slightly but it was muffled from his filled up mouth. Eustass sighed with relief as Luffy's plump lips were wrapped around his member.

"Mmph!" Luffy tried to say words, but Eustass placed his hand on the back of Luffy's head, preventing him of escape.

His mouth was like paradise, he thrusted into his mouth even deeper. Luffy screamed as he felt the member go even deeper in his damp cavern. His member was practically down his throat. Luffy was on the brink of tears as he bobbed his head back and forth. Eustass moaned feeling Luffy's mouth surround his member.

Law rolled his eyes in annoyance and took out his member, he positioned himself in front of Luffy's butt and shoved it in. Pushing Luffy's mouth even further down Eustass' member.

"Mm!" Luffy cried out.

Both of his holes were filled as the bed creaked from Law and Eustass' thrusts. A tear ran down Luffy's chubby cheeks as his whimpers and moans were muffled by Eustass' member. Luffy's back was arched as he felt Law's hands harshly grip on to his waist, making him go even deeper into Luffy.

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