chapter 4: the deal

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chapter 4:
the deal

Law and Luffy were beat, they were going at it the whole night. Every since Eustass touched Luffy last night at the party, Law wanted Luffy to know that Luffy was his and only his. Though he didn't leave marks or hickeys on the Neko since he knew Luffy was scared at the party and didn't want to hurt him that much.

"Do you want breakfast?" Law asked, sitting up.

"Sure..." Luffy yawned, "I should be the one to prepare it though."

"It's fine, besides you're sore." Law put on his gray sweatpants and a white tank top.

Luffy fell back to sleep, cuddling against the soft pillow. His ears flopped and his tail now relaxed. Law chuckled at the innocent sight, Luffy was just too perfect. Luffy was gorgeous when he's awake and when he's asleep

The Celestial Dragon walked down his long hallway, on his way to the kitchen. Honestly, this house was too big for him. The doorbell rang, it took Law about a minute to get to the door. When he opened it he had to fight the urge not to slam it close again.

"Hello, Trafalgar," Eustass smirked.

"Eustass..." Law sneered, "What do you want?"

"Can't a man just visit an old pal?" Eustass chuckled.

"Fuck off I know you're here for a reason." Law groaned, "Besides it's early."

"Where's Luffy?" Eustass asked.

"He's in my room, and don't get any fucking ideas." Law glared.

Eustass passed by Law and walked into his house, "I know, I know..."

"What the fuck?" Law followed Eustass.

Eustass sat down in the living room, resting against the velvet couch. Law sat down across from him. He knew Eustass wanted something from him, why else would he come here uninvited?

Was it Luffy?

Eustass has a thing for blackmailing others and offering deals to get what he wants. Despite Eustass being odd and insane, he does give something back in return. Law clenched his fist, he would never let Eustass touch Luffy ever again.

"I'm here to offer you a deal of a lifetime." Eustass sighed.

Of course...

"What?" Law rolled his eyes.

"Rosinante Donquixote." Eustass replied, "He was a former Celestial Dragon."

That name was the only thing Law was paid attention to. His body fell silent and his blood went cold. He gritted his teeth, how dare Eustass speak about Corazon. Law owed Rosinante his life...

"What are you talking about..." Law gulped.

"I know where he is," Eustass smiled, "I can tell you."

Law has been wanting to see Rosinante for years, Rosinante is practically his father. He's the man who saved Law, of course, he wanted to see him. But Eustass said it was a deal, which means Law must give something that is his. Law was willing to give anything away, his house, his money, even his position.

He wanted to see his father Corazon once more.

Law was never able to find Rosinante on his own, the Navy and other Celestial Dragons thought he was a joke and never took him seriously. They only took Eustass seriously, now this was his chance to see the man that saved him.

"Tell me!" Law shot up.

"Unless you give me something as well, I'll tell you his location." Eustass sighed.

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