chapter 9: leaving

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chapter 9:

"What happened?" Rosinante asked with worried eyes.

"I fell in love with a slave that I had bought, he was the only slave I have ever gotten. He was special to me, he was a Neko." Law softly smiled to himself.

"Aw, that's so adorable!" Rosinante's smile then turned into a frown, "What happened then?"

"I had to give him up to a Celestial Dragon named Eustass Kidd." Law explained, "He said he'll tell me your location if I give up Luffy to him."

"Oh Law... I'm so sorry." Rosinante said.

"I want him back though, but I'm happy that I saw you again, Cora-san." Law smiled.

Rosinante slapped Law in the face.

Law stood back, a bright red mark on his cheek. Rosinante glared down at his son, he was disappointed he chose him over his lover. Law looked at his father in shock, the former Celestial Dragon was furious!

"How could you choose my happiness before yours!" Rosinante yelled.

"What?!" Law said in confusion, "Why did you hit me?!"

"You should've kept Luffy! He makes you happy Law..." Rosinante sighed, "I want my son to be happy."

"Cora-san..." Law began to cry.

"You need to get back your lover," Rosinante told him, "In the meantime, tell me about them."

Law wiped his tears, "Well... his name is Luffy. He's cheerful, kind, and selfless. He has curly hair and the cutest little tail..."

"Aw!" Rosinante fanboyed, "He seems so adorable!"

"I know..." Law chuckled.

Rosinante slapped Law again, "How dare you give up a precious person like that!"

"Hey! Stop hitting me!" Law complained rubbing his cheek.

"You must get him back Law! I want to see my son in law!" Rosinante whined like a baby.

"Okay, okay...." Law plugged his ears, "But I don't know how..."

"Why?" Rosinante asked.

"I've already given him away to Eustass... I don't know if he'll agree." Law sighed.

"Oh... I see." Rosinante sighed and sat back down.

"Cora-san, how did you buy me?" Law questioned, "Did you know what happened to me before I was sold in the auction."

"Well, the slave traders only told me a few things about you." Rosinante shrugged, "You know the scientist Vegapunk right?"

"Yeah..." Law answered.

"Well he's a smart one, he can make potions, drugs, and technology that can help millions." Rosinante explained, "He tested one of his drugs on you and some other slaves."

"What was it?" Law asked.

"You have no memory of your life before being a slave right?" Rosinante asked.

"Well, yeah... It's all a blur to me." Law rubbed his forehead, "Whenever I think of my life form before I get this horrible headache."

"I see... then Vegapunk's experiment was a success." Rosinante frowned, "They made the slaves take drugs and potions... Some potions made the slaves stronger, taller, and wipe their memories."

"What?..." Law's eyes widened.

"The slave trader told me how they got you. You were seventeen years old and you had... killed someone." Rosinante awkwardly said.

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