chapter 12: infinite

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chapter 12:

Law opened his eyes, he found himself in a Navy ship. His body was all bandaged up while his abs felt sore. The slash on his chest that was once opened with blood was now stitched together with stitches. He looked around the room, his katana was there but there were also a few other things.

A red hat and three swords were laid on a wooden table.

"Fuck," Law groaned and slowly got up.

A small walking reindeer came in, "Wah, that shower was so good."

The animal and Law both stared at each other...

"What the fuck?!" Law looked at the reindeer.

"Eep!" The animal hid behind a door, well not very well since his whole body was sticking out, "You're supposed to be in bed!"

"Why are you talking, you're a fucking raccoon?" Law looked at it in shock.

"No! I'm a reindeer!" The creature pouted.

"Oi Chopper your patient is awake?" A man with green hair appeared.

"Who the fuck are you?" Law asked.

"I'm this doctor's caretaker." The man responded.

Law didn't know what was going on, the only thing he remembers is Luffy slashing him. Was he dead? Is he in heaven, probably not though? There were a talking reindeer and a strange man. Whatever happened, he needs to find Luffy and get him back.

"I need to leave." Law limped to the door.

"No! You mustn't leave!" The reindeer held on to Law's leg, "You're still injured!"

"Why should I listen to an animal that can barely even survive in the heat?" Law scoffed.

"Hey watch your mouth." The green-haired man warned.

"I'm a doctor! Tony Tony Chopper!" The reindeer announced, "That's my friend Zoro!"

"Yo," Zoro said.

"I don't care, I need to get Luffy back." Law huffed, already worn out from standing.

"No, you need to heal." Chopper pouted.

"Fine." Law sighed and sat back down on the bed, "How long have I been out?"

"Three days, but we're going to the nearest island to get more meds to get you to heal faster." Chopper smiled.

"Thanks," Law mumbled.

"How'd you even get that scar anyway?" Zoro asked.

"My boyfriend slashed me," Law told them, "But it wasn't him though."

"What? Didn't he y'know, slash you?" Zoro arched his eyebrow.

"That Celestial Dragon Eustass did something to him, Luffy acted differently. He wasn't himself." Law explained, "Eustass told me Vegapunk made a drug that made my boyfriend fall in love with that Celestial Dragon..."

"A drug?" Chopper asked, "Maybe I can help you then."

"Really?" Law asked.

"Yep! I'm a doctor, I'll try to do the best I can." Chopper smiled happily.

"Thank you so much." Law bowed down.

"Hold it," Zoro said, "What are you going to give us?"

"What?" Law stood back.

"Zoro!" Chopper pouted, "Stop that's mean!"

"I'm just saying," Zoro shrugged, "Your father Rosinante asked us to look after you. Now we have to make a drug for you? We need something in return."

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