chapter 5: sadness

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chapter 5:

Luffy sobbed as he was thrown into a bedroom, but to be honest, the room looked exquisite. It had soft bed sheets, a window with cell bars on it though, and the most delicate pillows. There was also a vanity. Eustass sighed looking at Luffy cry like a baby and roll around in tears bed.

"I wanna see Law!" Luffy hiccuped, "Now!"

"No!" Eustass glared at him, Luffy fell silent.

"I-I'm sorry..." Luffy sniffled, "I thought Law really liked me..."

"Oh, he's a huge asshole," Eustass told Luffy and sat beside him.

Luffy cried, "He even gave me this beautiful ruby ring... I thought we had something special... I guess not."

"Hey it's okay," Eustass wiped Luffy's tears, "I'll be your new master."

"Hmph!" Luffy pouted and looked away, "That doesn't make me feel any better!"

"Oh really?" Eustass loomed over Luffy.

The Neko gulped at the sight of Eustass, he was scary. Luffy began to wonder what kind of torture Eustass will put him through. Law was kind and gentle, now Luffy has no idea what Eustass will be like.

Eustass gazed at all of Luffy's features, soft lips, doe eyes, and cute perky ass. He kissed the young boy's neck and left a trail down to Luffy's nipples. Luffy could feel Eustass take off his shirt and brush his lips against his nipples.

The red-haired man smirked and bit down on Luffy's skin. Luffy whimpered and began to shake from the pleasure. Luffy's hot, sweaty, and lidded eyes turned Eustass on even more. Eustass tore off Luffy's underwear, revealing his member which was already oozing pre-cum. Luffy moaned loudly as Eustass gently stroked it.

"Ah! Eustass!" Luffy's legs widened even more.

Eustass started to rub Luffy's shaft up and down faster. Luffy squealed as Eustass kissed him while touching his member. He then felt something warm and wet at the edge of his shaft, he glanced down and saw Eustass licking it. His moist tongue was sucking his member like a lollipop.

"Ngh!" Luffy arched his back, trying to hold himself together.

Luffy's toes curled as he came into Eustass' mouth, Eustass swallowed his seed and glanced at the panting Neko. Luffy huffed as he saw Kidd hover over him.

"I'll make sure you won't forget... who you truly belong to," Eustass whispered in Luffy's ear.

Without warning, Eustass slammed into Luffy, showing him no mercy whatsoever. Tears flowed out of Luffy's eyes as he screamed at the top of his lungs. The bed began to creak as Eustass started to thrust in and out of him. Eustass spread Luffy's legs even wider, letting wet clapping sounds echo in the room.

Luffy's entrance was so wet, it was too easy for Eustass to slip in. Eustass could do it with ease and with his eyes closed too. Luffy panted with his tongue out, he looked like a fucking dog begging for more. Eustass smirked and pounded into Luffy harder and faster. The bed was practically going to break at any moment.

"Ah!" Luffy screamed, "Master!"

Luffy's orgasm starts to build up faster and faster, feeling Eustass' large length slam into his every single time. Eustass hissed through his clenched teeth as Luffy's entrance wrapped around his length so fucking well. Luffy was damp and tight, such a good mix.

This was going to be fun.

The whole room was filled with their screams and groans, Luffy was a completely sticky mess. While Eustass' stamina was god level, he could never get tired of sex this good. Luffy came, the white liquid squirted everywhere like a fountain. Some of it even got on Luffy as well as Eustass. The liquid was spread out on Luffy's stomach, some drops on his chin. Eustass licked them off as he came as well inside of Luffy.

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