chapter 11: fake love

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chapter 11:
fake love

Luffy now sleeps happily in Eustass' arms. He doesn't think about Law anymore, he only has eyes for Eustass. Luffy purred as Eustass scratched his ear. Luffy has never felt so in love with a man before. The only love he has is for Eustass and only Eustass.

"Master!" Luffy giggled and hugged Eustass again.

"You're so adorable, darling." Eustass smiled.

"I love you!" Luffy kissed Eustass' cheek.

"I love you too Luffy," Eustass said back.

Luffy placed his head on Eustass' shoulder, "Are we going somewhere today?"

"No, not today kitten. I just want to spend the day with you." Eustass grinned.

Luffy nodded and laid on Eustass' lap, curling into a small ball. Eustass chuckled at the Neko's cute movements. He's been enjoying their time together, ever since the potion worked they've never separated. It's as if they're attached to the hip.

"Luffy, what would you be willing to do for me?" Eustass asked.

Luffy smiled, "Anything..."



Law paced back and forth, he snuck Rosinante back into Mariejois. He needs to get Luffy back, but Eustass is never willing to let go of him. Damn it, but Law doesn't regret not finding Rosinante again. He glanced over at his father who was eating cookies in his kitchen.

"What? Do you want some?" Rosinante asked.

"No thanks Cora-san, I'm trying to think." Law sighed.

"C'mon you can't properly think if you're hungry," Rosinante informed.

"No, I'm good." Law sat down on his leather couch.

"You should try bread Law, I hated it but now it's my most favorite food." Rosinante smiled.

Law wore a disgusted face, "Ugh, gross."

"Have you thought of a plan to get Luffy back?" Rosinante asked.

"No, it's completely hopeless." Law groaned, "He's Eustass slave now! I've even offered Eustass my house and all my money..."

"Maybe you should try moving on?" Rosinante suggested.

"No, the only person I want is Luffy." Law frowned.

He could never imagine himself with another person that isn't his beloved Lu, they promised to get married once Luffy gets older. Law intends to keep that promise. Law would hire an admiral to kill Eustass, but Celestial Dragons can not go against each other. Also since Law isn't even a fully blooded Celestial Dragon.

"I see..." Rosinante sighed.

"Maybe I should just steal him away!" Law shot up, "We'll just run away, we'll leave Mariejois and become commoners..."

"Is Sengoku still around?" Rosinante asked.

"Yeah, he's working at Marineford," Law responded.

"Great, go get Luffy. I'll ask Sengoku for a navy ship." Rosinante got up.

"Make sure to be disguised on the streets. The Celestial Dragons might find you." Law told Rosinante.

"Got it." Rosinante nodded.

Law collected all his things, he wore a brown coat with the words Corazon printed on it. He put on his wool hat with leopard prints along with his jeans as well. He took his katana, he had learned how to use it from Sengoku.

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