chapter 8: games

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chapter 8:

"Come here kitty," Eustass smirked.

Luffy crawled to him, his whole body trembling.

An anal plug was shoved up Luffy's butt, while there were vibrators tied to his shaking thighs and small member. Luffy panted as he crawled to Eustass in a maids outfit he made Luffy wear. Eustass gazed at the wonderful sight, Luffy was practically about to faint.

"M-Master..." Luffy whimpered in his high pitched voice, "Mmph, it f-feels weird..."

"Why would you say that baby?" Eustass grinned and turned up the controller even more.

"Ah!" Luffy screamed and fell to the floor, his legs and arms giving in, "T-Too much!"

The toys vibrated even more harshly, making his legs tremble and quiver. Saliva came out of Luffy's mouth as he panted like a dog, trying to catch his breath. Eustass admired the image in front of him, Luffy's tongue out as he tried to catch his breath and his shaking body that looked like he was going to break down at any moment.

"Luffy, come here." Eustass cooed, "You don't want me to punish you even more right?"

Luffy couldn't even say anything, pre-cum dripped from his member. There was already white liquid squirted everywhere on the bed and the floor that he had previously came. Luffy was about to come again until Eustass pulled on his collar that he made Luffy wear as well. It was black and had a bell in the front.

"A good kitty has to drink his milk," Eustass took out his member, "Suck..."

Luffy gently held Eustass' large member with his shaking hands, he wrapped it around with his plump wet lips and began to suck on it. Eustass groaned feeling Luffy's damp tongue slide against his member. It felt so fucking good, Luffy was great at giving head.

He turned up the toys at the highest setting, Luffy yelps were muffled by Eustass' member that he was sucking on. Eustass glared down at the boy, meaning that he didn't want Luffy to lose focus. Luffy continued as he placed his hands on Eustass' thighs, he bobbed his head back and forth.

"Fuck, you're so damn good." Eustass sighed.

"Mm!" Luffy whimpered as Eustass started to stroke Luffy's tail.

Luffy felt so filled up, he needed to release. Eustass was ready to release as well. Luffy sucked even faster, tasting Eustass' massive member. Eustass grabbed a fistful of Luffy's black dark hair, forcing him to suck his member even deeper.

They both came at the same time, Luffy finally breathed. White liquid splashed all over Luffy's face, he licked some of it off. Eustass smirked at what he has done. A sticky mess he made on Luffy's delicate innocent face. Luffy gently wiped it off, licking his fingers in the process. Eustass smiled as he picked up the Neko and carried him.

Eustass brought him to the bathroom, he turned on the shower. He ripped off all the toys that filled Luffy and his maid's outfit, leaving him completely naked. Luffy blushed as Eustass took off his shirt.

He turned on the shower and threw Luffy in it, the Neko cleaned his face and let the warm water soak in his hair. Luffy inhaled and exhale, feeling relaxed.

Eustass put his hands on Luffy's shoulders, "You didn't think we were finished did you?"

"W-What?" Luffy breathed.

Then Eustass picked up Luffy and pinned him against the tiled wall. Luffy made a small yelp feeling the coldness of the wall. Eustass smothered him with kisses. Eustass bit down Luffy's lip making it bleed slightly. Luffy opened his mouth allowing Eustass' tongue to come inside. He felt around Luffy's wet cavern as water-soaked Eustass' red curly hair.

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