chapter 14: wedding day

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chapter 14:
wedding day

They couldn't see each other for two years, Law had to run from the Navy. While they didn't care about Luffy, after all, he was a simple slave that ran away. It wasn't their main priority. But Law went against another Celestial Dragon, Eustass has been in a coma.

They say a pirate hunter slashed him. Leaving countless injures, then news got out that the legendary shusui sword was stolen. Luffy walked along the smooth path, on the way to their wedding ceremony. They didn't invite anyone, it was just them.

He hasn't seen Law in two years...

Luffy walked into the forest, holding a bouquet of flowers. He walked in his silk wedding dress, it looked like a nightgown. But the wedding was being held in the forest, he didn't want to get a fancy dress dirty. A flower crown in his hair, he smiled softly listening to the birds chirping as he walked along the path.

His heart raced as his hands began to shake slightly, he was nervous. He had never been so scared yet so excited. He was going to finally see Law after all these years. He approached the figure ahead of him.

It was Law...

He was wearing a tux while they both stood in front of each other. No one was here, it was just them and only them. They could be free together, they could finally get married. Tears flowed down Luffy's cheeks. His love was there...

"Luffy..." Law softly said.

"Law..." Luffy cried.

He walked over to him. "You're here..."

"Hey..." Law smiled.

Luffy jumped into his arms, "Law! I'm so sorry! All the scars I gave you, all the injuries you've faced was all because of me!"

"Lu..." Law cried.

"None of this would've happened if I didn't exist... you would've lived happily."

Law hugged Luffy, "No, I love you, Lu. Living a life without you is worse than any scar..."

"Law..." Luffy sniffled.

"What hurt most wasn't the scars, it's was being alone and not with you..." Law cried and took out a ruby ring the same one that he gave Luffy two years ago, "Will you marry me?"

"Yes! A million times yes!" Luffy smiled.

Their lips connected for the first time in two years. Luffy had dreamed of this moment, he smiled into the kiss. Rosinante had made them a cottage in this forest. The Navy won't find them here, they could live freely. Now they can finally get married.

When they pulled away, they still held each other. Law softly caressed Luffy's cheek, he grinned. Law felt so happy, he finally got to fulfill his promise in marrying him. He could never be so thrilled.

"Let's go home..." Law softly said.


When Luffy and Law entered the wooden cottage, it was beautiful. Despite it not having any fancy technology it had an elegant aesthetic. Luffy smiled gazing around the house. He ran over to the balcony, you could see all the trees surrounding them.

He entered the master bedroom where they'll be staying. There were roses, wine, and two robes for them. Rosinante must've left it there for them. Luffy blushed and the thought appeared.

They haven't had sex in two years...

They've never embraced each other's bodies in two years! Luffy's face turned redder as he opened the note, luckily Law was downstairs looking around the house. Luffy read the lines as his heart raced.

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