Angel tears are like music to the devils ears

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"Shotaro what're you doing here?" A broken voice called out to him as he looked around the forest looking place. "I'm sorry I don't think I know you." The small boy bit his lip and helped the elder up infront of him. "You're very pretty are you purposely starving and being dirty to hide from demons?" The person in front of him chuckled softly.

"Yes you could say that. Why're you here?" Shotaro stared at the person and scratched his head. "To be truthful I don't know. I had just went through manifestation and then some guy from heaven came looking for me and gosh it's so cool here." A simple smile is what the person offered Shotaro as he rambled on and on. "Yes it's because we're in nowhere a place where you're out to be forgotten from the world. So if somebody put you hear it means they want you forgotten."

Shotaro stared at the sky and smiled as he thought about Sungchan. "Not my channie he did it to protect me." The person on the side of him smiled. "I wish the person who put me here is never happy again! I've been here for years I have no recollection of my past life but your name sounds so familiar." A smile is all Shotaro could offer them.

"Yeah well maybe you can leave with me?" They nodded and stared at Shotaro before looking around and running. "Come boy" swiftly Shotaro followed after them. "We must get underground, there is a demon that haunts this realm. He has no name it is said he became a demon because of how sweet he was on earth and the death he met was to much for him."

"Wow!!" Shotaro stoped running when he seen a bunch of butterflies coming together. Once the person he was running with noticed that he grabbed Shotaro and dashed at full speed. "Kid he was right there he seen you most likely come on!!"  Soon they reached a cave and the brown haired person closed the entrance with a boulder while traveling deep into the cave.

"You mustn't let it become familiar with you it'll learn everything you have to offer and then it'll offer you to play cat and mouse with it but I've never seen it give up prey once selected and you almost were selected. " Shotaro nodded and leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. "Shotaro I'm here?!!!" His eyes shot open and glowed. "Channie?" He walked to the door and rest his hand on the door. "Channie?" A giggle went through the air. "Shotaro let's play out here it's so pretty and look at the sky. I want to play."

"Sungchannie I'll open the door for you but I think this place is getting to you." Shotaro looked for a way to open the door, pushing and pulling any lever or button he seen. "Damn it he slammed his hands on the rock and still nothing. "Hey can you open the door my friends outside." He asked the person from earlier. "Get away from that damn rock!!"

Shotaro felt a sharp pain in his side and dropped to his knees. "I want my sungchannie." He cried as the demon on the other side of the rock began to sound less and less like his good friend and more disoriented and demonic. "Shotaro let's play!! I want to play I need to know more!!! Tell me your story."

The boy sobbed in the corner as the adult from earlier yelled. "Go away go away go the fuck away!!!! He's a kid...he's a kid" The banging finally let up and the person dropped next to Shotaro. "My name is sejun." The elder whispers as they hold Shotaro. "I'll protect you while we're stuck here."

Those words for some reason made all of his pain disappear and there he was lying in the others arms. "Rest." And without batting an eye he fell asleep in the elders arms.

Meanwhile on earth

"I miss taro."sungchan cried into his pillow as it had been nearly a month since he accidentally sent the boy to nowhere. You see nowhere is a place where Jaehyun's father sent the true love of his life because he was a mortal. He made it so that you can go in but can't come out.

But sungchan won't accept it. So he made a pack with some blood elf to take him to nowhere. "Your majesty." A icky raspy voiced called as the boy stared at his balcony window. "Yes seonghwa?" The raven hair male smiled and held up a piece of paper. "I found it. A woman by the name of Irene sent a boy named sejun there because her younger brother fell in love with him."

" I can get you there and back but... I require my prize as well as protection from the hag." Sungchan nodded and grabbed a dagger. "Sit down your highness I will start on the blood circle now." Sungchan nodded and slit his palm open quickly making a circle plopping down after. "Take me to a place long forgotten but never existing always there but never in arms reach~"

The circle glowed red and the ground under them turned into a bright blue sky, Sungchan fainted and seonghwa had to grab him to keep him from getting stuck on a tree.

"Sejunnie I made you food as a token of appreciation." Sungchan followed after the voice followed by seonghwa. "Taro?!"




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