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"Ahhhhh Jaehyun I'm hungry please can you ask one of our sons to bring me a snack?"  The god looked at his mate and could tell something was off but said nothing as he called for one of his sons to bring their mother a drink. "Hello mother will you be attending my dance recital tonight?" Ten asked as he held up a plate full of fruits,cheeses and crackers with a glass of wine. Yuta looked the food over and got nauseous.

Yuta sat on the couch he rubbed his belly this felt oddly familiar yet, he couldn't tell why. "My love" yuta looked at jaehyun who looked a bit concerned. "I'm fine don't worry." He rubbed his flat stomach and sighed. "Love is so different here~" he sang the song silently and began to pray over the unborn child. "Jaehyun what if it was possible for neither an angel nor devil to be born from me? Would you leave me and the child?"

Jaehyun lifted an eyebrow and stared yuta as he opened his mouth a wave of white blistering pain shot through his head and he dropped to his knees. "No of course not." He spat out gripping his  aching head, yuta nodded and quickly got up. "Come along children let's all go to bed for a bit you know Ten has recital in a bit."

"I'll tell Taeil not to bother us till two hours to tens recital." He spoke as he finished his letter and snapped, all the drapes fell down and the once brightly lit room became surrounded in darkness. Yuta felt a small kick to his bladder but ignored it as he relaxed in his husbands arms while his children all laid on top of them.

Time flew by and the family all slept in one another's arms. No worries for the unforeseen future until the sound of  someone barging into their bedroom and every guard rushing in. Jaehyun pushed his family behind him and rubbed his eyes at the intrusion. "I tried Jaehyun but she beat me and-" he raised his hand as he stood and walked over to the girl.

"Hello cousin" jihyo waved at him and planted a kiss on cheek. "Jihyo you must have an important reason for coming here and roughing up my guards as well as disturbing my family time. "I had a vision Jaehyun about Yuta. He was running from you and he dropped something off in a lake. He's hiding something big. At the end the underworld demons began to seep into heaven. This is my second time seeing this! Figure out what it is or i will" Jaehyun sighed and rubbed jihyo's head."you're wrong this time cousin just like when he was pregnant with Jisung."

"No im not I'm never wrong" Jihyo sighed and rest her hands on Jaehyun's shoulder "maybe you're right and it was a night terror I'm terribly sorry cousin. Me and my girls will be at tens recital don't worry." She smiled snapped her fingers and then she was gone along with all the guards and taeil. "She has turned back time for us so that we may rest more." Jaehyun spoke as he hugged Yuta.

"Let us rest my beloved" he sighed and fell asleep in his arms.

A few hours later

Yuta and his four children all got ready to watch tens recital. The family was always seen as some of the most beautiful being anyone could lay eyes upon. So Yuta quickly fixed his robes and dressed his children. "My little angels it's time for us to go!" He sang as he ran over to the door and held it open. The four small kids ran out the door to the portal to take  them to tens recital.

"I'll meet you there ten I promise sweetie but daddy has to do something very important." Jaehyun kissed his children's head and kissed Yuta deeply. "We'll meet again" Jaehyun flashed a wicked smile and kissed Yuta again. "Why of course my beloved. I'll always chase after you." He made Yuta blush and when he looked up Jaehyun was gone.

They got to ten's recital and the little monster ran away while Yuta and his 3 other boys sat in anticipation. "Isn't that Jaehyun's family" Yuta could already hear the gossip but ignored it as the recital began. His heart was beginning to sink slowly though as ten's smile began to drop each time he came out to dance. A break came for people to use the restroom, buy snacks, and or buy roses and stuff and Yuta quickly bought ten a bouquet and the other kids chips. "What did I tell you my angel." Jaehyun cooed as he held out two more bundles of roses and balloons as well as a bear.

The recital went on and Ten began to dance much better upon seeing his whole family. He even danced to his solo and many people cheered for him and clapped. But the only thing that mattered was family. Once ten's recital was over Jaehyun ran over to his son and scooped him into his arms. "You did magnificent!! I have a surprise for you and your siblings when we get home."

Jaehyun snapped his fingers and they where home. " Close your eyes my angels." Yuta sighed and covered his eyes along with the children. His heart racing as Jaehyun's hands found their way around his waist. His small bump reacting to its fathers touch and immediately began to push and kick at Jaehyun's hand and made Yuta wince.

"Daddy can we open our eyes?!!!!" The boys chanted as they bounced around the room. "Of course" Yuta opened his eyes and stared in awe. "Snow? I've only read about snow" He ran over to the piles of snow with his boys and picked it up. "Jaehyun you did this for what beloved?" Jaehyun cleared his throat and stared at his kids. "Well I wanted to surprise the boys and you with a human holiday and I think you need snow to do it. " Jaehyun smiled proudly as he watched Yuta's face turn red.

"Well then let's enjoy our time with the children" Yuta cooed as he ran over to Mark and started helping him build his snow angel. " in a hour or so we have to go in boys" Jaehyun warned as they played and before anybody knew anything they were walking in with pink noses and red cheeks. "Once they walked back to the living area they noticed a large tree and boxes full of glass beads and what not. Yuta stared at the box in confusion.
"I'll tell you more after we shower and relax"

Yuta nodded at Jaehyun and followed him to their bed quarters while the boys went to their chamber. Yuta knew sooner or later he had to tell Jaehyun but he was scared and that was his problem he was always scared. Yuta came from a long line of angel slaves. His family always being sold to humans by demons because of a mistake his grandfather made b.c . Yuta himself was sold thankfully he didn't face the fate many in his family did.

Jaehyun found him when a demon tried to make him become his mate by force. It was quiet scary for Yuta in 24 hours his life changed. Jaehyun was drunk that night and he mates Yuta who was just trying to relieve stress. This resulted in marks appearance into the heavens. Yuta smiled at the memory of baby Mark. He just appeared one day, he and Jaehyun had got into an argument about being mates when he felt a warm feeling in his lower abdomen.

His smile widened as he rubbed his belly fondly. He told Jaehyun as soon as he got home who fainted, thankfully Yuta caught the giant male. Jaehyun planted a kiss to Yuta's head and rubbed his stomach whispering into his ear." Why do you keep rubbing your belly beloved?" Jaehyun went to rub Yuta stomach and Yuta swatted his head. "Just thinking of when we first and those first few months together and then mark appeared out of thin air."

Jaehyun smiled as he stripped out of his robe and walked into the shower. Yuta giggled lightly and wrapped his arms around Jaehyun and snuggled into him. "Jaehyun I love you" he spoke softly as the water from the rain shower head fell on them both. Jaehyun felt Yuta's body shaking behind him and quickly turned pulling him into his embrace. "My beloved angel I'll always be here don't worry nor cry anymore." Yuta just sobbed louder into the others chest as he couldn't hold it in any longer.

After two hours of consoling Yuta and washing their bodies the lovers made their way to bed were three small angels sat on the bed. "Where is Mark?" Jaehyun ask while climbing into bed and sitting down a loud crunch filled the room and Mark fell off the bed onto some pillows. Jaehyun shrieked and fell down next to mark. "Oh my god Mark!!" Yuta ran over to his son and started checking for what happened to him. "Why didn't you three say something?!!" Yuta screeched and looked at his husband, then his children who were giggling at him. Yuta huffed and looked at mark only to feel a kiss on his lips. "Sorry mommy" Yuta stood up and snatched him up kissing all over his face.

"Don't do that again you almost killed me and I think you killed your dad." After ten minutes of laughing and giggling all the kids were tucked in and passed out while Yuta waited on his husband smirking. "Don't say anything" Jaehyun mumbled as he sat up and kissed Yuta. "Of course not my love" Yuta responded cheekily and patted Jaehyun's spot on the bed. "Come on papa bear." Jaehyun cooed and quickly crawled in behind Yuta wrapping his arms around him and the kids that inched their way onto their sleepy parents.

While everyone slept Yuta stared at his belly and rubbed it. "Good night my little otter"

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