the beginning

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                                                           you booked the night train for a reason

                                                           you booked the night train for a reason

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Clara Ramone never wanted to be a part of the school show. It was her best friend Kelly who put her name on the list for the stage manager. She never even knew what being a stage manager was. Most of what she did was prompting if whoever was on stage forgot their lines and changing the scenery but most of the time she was just sitting at in the wings watching the show even though she had been at every rehearsal and knew everyone's lines off by heart. 

She was snapped out of her daydream when Cassandra and Harry walked onto the stage, she turned and nodded towards Allie who was the assistant stage manager, prompting her to raise the curtain.




Harry said it again, watching the coin that Cassandra was flipping. Clara, like most others, had never even heard of this play before it was confirmed as the schools choice of play. Harry and Cassandra were dressed in these god-awful thespian looking costumes with the most ridiculous hats. When it was the dress rehearsal, Clara and Kelly burst out laughing when Harry came out of the dressing room in his outfit. 

Soon enough, the show was over and she was considering going to Harry's afterparty with Kelly.

"Come on lara, it'll be fun, Me, Harry, Grizz, Jason, Jessica and loads of other people will be there."

To be truthful, Clara liked Harry, not in that way but if her brother Max knew that she was going to a party at his house, well Kelly probably wouldn't have a boyfriend or a best friend anymore. 

Max and Harry hated each other. Nobody knows how it started but since Clara can remember if you even said Harry's name in the Ramone household, Max would either shout or swear at you. Now they just avoid each other but if either did something the other didn't like it would most likely end up in a fight. 

" I don't think I will come tonight, I mean you know what Max is like and also I still need to pack for the trip"

Kelly completely understood. She too had witnessed first hand the danger of Max Ramone. Clara walked out the auditorium alongside Will, Allie and Cassandra. The Ramones lived on the same street as the Pressmans so Allie, Clara and Cassandra would walk to school together.

When Clara walked in, every light was off except the kitchen light which they always kept on for some reason so she assumed that everyone had gone to bed. She remembered that she had bought a pack of cinnamon rolls earlier that day so she decided that she was going to have them as a snack. Clara nearly jumped out of her skin in fright when she saw Max standing against the kitchen counter staring at her.

"Max, what are you doing up."

"What, I'm just here to congratulate my sister on being an amazing stage manager. Am I not allowed to do that"

She knew what he was doing. He was trying to manipulate her but the question was why. He did this often and for many reasons.

"Thanks but it's late and I'm going to bed."

Not bothered for a response, she turned around to go upstairs when he harshly grabbed her arm.

"I saw you talking with Harry. I swear to God Clara if I ever see you with him again, there'll be consequences"

lucy speaks

DVDFBGFBDF first chapter bbs, hope you are enjoying so far, hope you like the characters, bit short but was just a quick chapter before the trip, so yeah also how hot does harry look in that gif, anyway don't forget to vote 

you know you love me



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