the first death

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left you out there standing

After more of the young people arrived at the bridge, Clara could feel her entire body shaking with fear

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After more of the young people arrived at the bridge, Clara could feel her entire body shaking with fear. Realising that she hadn't eaten anything yet, she walked away from the bridge and to her house. West ham used to be quite a noisy town, with children screaming or cars zooming down the street but now it was silent. No small children. No cars speeding down the street. Just 200 odd scared, clueless teenagers. There wasn't a word to describe exactly how Clara was feeling when she walked down that street but one came quite close.


the feeling of homesickness for a home that doesn't exist or a longing to be where your soul is.

Even though this was the town where she grew up, it felt like a whole other place because the people she loved the most weren't with her. 

When she reached her house, she sighed and opened the door. The house was as she left it last night, pretty much untouched except upstairs where she had looked for her family and where she had curled up in her parent's bed trying to see if she could feel any warmth in it. 

The fridge stood tall in the kitchen, pushed up against the wall. It was plastered full of family photos, magnets from childhood holidays to France and Hawaii, and postcards from family members. It was mostly full as Victoria Ramone always did her shopping on a Friday which was the day before the trip.

Clara pulled out a packet of pastrami and a block of cheese. She made a quick sandwich and ate it silently on the family couch. Normally, she would have never been allowed to do this as her mother was very precious about the couch but she wasn't her to tell her off.

After sitting a while, Clara decided to go see if Kelly was ok after what happened between her and Harry last night. Walking towards the town centre, she saw Grizz, Luke, Gwen, Emily, Bean and a few others walking the opposite way with big backpacks on as if they were going on an exhibition.

"Hey, guys, where you going."

"We're going to see if we can find anyone or signs of life," Grizz replied.

"Oh cool, uhm be careful and hopefully come back with good news."

The group headed towards the forest.  Good for them, Clara thought, trying to keep the thought of them not finding anything or anyone out her mind. Soon enough, she was at Kelly's house. Since she and Kelly were so close, she had a set of keys for her house so she just unlocked the door. 

The Aldrich house was always a busy house with Kelly's younger brothers chasing each other and her parents were lawyers and chefs but now it felt dead. Kelly was lying on her bed when Clara came into her room.

"Hey Kel, how are you," Clara whispered as she sat on the purple sheets.

"Could be better, I guess you know what happened last night."

"Kinda, Harry just told me you argued."

"Basically, I was talking to Gwen when I see Harry and this random girl pouring drinks into each others mouth, I was fine with that but then he spills his drink all over her then he starts drying her tits like he was running his hands right over them."

"Then when I said to him about it, he said that we don't own each other, like what the fuck, who does that."

Clara was still processing this information. it was a lot and Kelly talked really fast.

"So have you talked to him since," Clara asked.

"No, but I will ... eventually."

"Do you just want to watch teen wolf, forget about Harry and drool over Stiles Stilinski?"

"I would love nothing more."

Kelly threw the lilac blanket over Clara as she nestled down beside Clara. 

After hours of wishing they lived in beacon hills and laughing at stupid jokes they made, the two girls received a text from Grizz saying to meet at the church. the fact that this was so soon after the expedition started meant that probably the group had found something. They hopped in Kelly's car and headed to the church. When they got there, only a handful of people were there including the Pressmans, Elle, Helena, Gwen and others. No sign of Harry which was good.

"Hey, any idea what this is about," Clara asked the younger pressman daughter who had no idea.

When more people came in, she noticed that Cassandra and Harry were arguing. She didn't really know what they were fighting about, probably about how Harry didn't like that Cassandra was running the town and not him. 

All of a sudden a gun goes off

The shot screeched throughout the church, everyone ducking under the pews. 

"Well, fuck this, Harry's right," Campbell says as he stands up, the gun still in his hand.

"No one elected you King cousin," he continued, walking up to Cassandra

"I don't want to be King."

"That's not what it looks like, is it," raising the gun towards Cassandra.

The whole church watched in suspense for what Campbell would do to Cassandra

"I've thought a lot about death, I've almost gotten used to it," the girl replied, not taking her eyes off the gun.

"But I don't like to be afraid. Do you want Chaos. Fucking shoot me."

Campbell sniggered.

"I don't want to shoot you, just wanted to get everyone's attention.

The teenagers let out a sigh of relief. Glad that no one was dead.

"Hey Kelly, let's go," Harry beckoned her over.

Clara looked at her then him. She could tell she didn't want to go but still, she stood up and walked to him.

Just as they reached the door, it opened from the outside and Luke appeared carrying Emily who was unconscious, bridal style.

Everyone gasped.

"Somebody clear that table."

Clara and Grizz quickly swiped all the cups and liquor off the table while Luke laid her body on it.

"She died from a snake bite, her whole body shut down," Luke announced.

Everyone was now huddled in a circle around the altar. Some were crying. Some were silent

"We'll bury her tomorrow before it starts to smell."

"There's nothing out there guys, just a whole bunch of woods that go on forever."

Helena said a prayer and everyone began to head home. No one dared to speak or even look at each other.

The bell started to toll.

They were all alone.

lucy speaks

heyyyyyy bbs so episode 1 done,  this is actually my longest chapter I have ever written hope you enjoyed it

probably should've put this in a while ago but the parents are played by Rob Lowe and Alicia Silverstone

don't forget to vote 


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