the morning of

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                                                              so you could sit there in this hurt

                                                              so you could sit there in this hurt

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Clara woke up and checked her phone. It was 7 o'clock and the bus was leaving at 11. Knowing her mother was going to burst into her room at any minute and force her out of bed, she decided to get up and save her mother the effort.

 Quickly pulling on a plain white top, her favourite mom jeans and a yellow cardigan to keep her warm,  she headed downstairs for breakfast. After last nights ordeal with Max, she was praying that he wasn't downstairs. Luckily for Clara, he wasn't as he didn't have to wake up early for the trip as he wasn't going.

" Oh finally, you're up," said her dad who was sitting at the table drinking his first coffee of the day.

"Dad, it's literally 7:30, the bus doesn't leave for another 3 and a half hours."

Her mother nodded in agreement, not even turning round to see her daughter.

"So, Clara who are you going to sit next to on the bus as I'm guessing Kelly will be sitting next to Harry," her mom said, using a hushed tone when she said Harry's name in case Max was lurking about.

"I mean I'll probably sit next to Cassandra or maybe Allie, I'm not sure."

There was a comfortable silence in the kitchen as Victoria Ramone rustled up pancakes for her daughter and Patrick Ramone read through the newspaper that he got delivered every morning. Just as Clara was about to open her mouth to say something about the smell being back, they heard hard footsteps coming downstairs. Clara looked at her mom who just gave her a comforting look and gulped. It was as if the whole family was scared of the boy and to be truthful, they were.

"Morning," he said with a bleak tone whilst staring at his phone.

Everyone just muttered a response not wanting to say anything else. Clara looked at the clock on the wall and noticed that it was now 9:30.

"I'm going to get my bags from downstairs so we can get them into the car."


Everyone was at the lawn in front of the church, waiting for the buses to pull up. All the families were saying their goodbyes to their teenage children. Clara was just standing beside her mom, dad and brother, silently, just watching the other parents. 

Karen Bingham was straightening out Harry's shirt as he tried to pull away from her. Lucy Aldrich's head was rested upon Kelly's shoulder. Jim and Amanda Pressman were hugging their daughters goodbye.

Clara turned to her father and hugged him, signalling that it was time to go. Her mother squeezed her tight, letting Clara get a noseful of her expensive Chanel perfume. Then it was time to say goodbye to Max.

He looked at her with a smile on his face but it wasn't a real smile.

"Remember what I said last night because as you know I have eyes fucking everywhere on that bus," he said in her ear when he was embracing her.

When she pulled away, she shivered with fear, her smile was wiped clean from her face. Clara lifted her bag and headed towards the bus. While standing in the line to get on, Clara talked to Cassandra about sitting next to her. Just as she was about to walk to her seat, she looked back out at the lawn where she spotted Max staring right at her. 

She gulped.

lucy speaks 

heyyyyyyyy besties, I LOVE this chapter and I hope y'all will too. its a bit later than what I wanted it to be up but it's fine

. thank you@depressedbagel for the help for deciding this chapter and hopefully tomorrow or Sunday chapter 3 will be up

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