the funeral

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you couldn't keep it in

Harry had sat in the same chair for twelve hours next to Clara's bed

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Harry had sat in the same chair for twelve hours next to Clara's bed. It had now been a day since he found her on the floor in her house. She still hadn't woken up yet and he could tell that Gordie was starting to get nervous.

The thought of the note also sat in his stomach like a weight. It was in Max's handwriting, he knew that for sure. Plenty of times Max had written a threatening letter to Harry so he knew what it looked like. Harry also knew that Clara knew his handwriting.

Kelly had been to see her earlier. Even though she was annoyed at her, Clara and Kelly have always been best friends and nothing, not even Harry, would change that. Grizz and Luke also came over to try and get Harry to go home and freshen up but he refused.

Clara being in hospital meant that Gordie had taken up the role of being a makeshift doctor. It was what he was going to become eventually. He always had a medical book in his hands so he knew quite a lot already, he learned how to put in an IV yesterday and had been improving at putting more medicines in it.

"So we're going to try this new medicine to see if it wakes her up, hopefully, if it goes to plan she should wake up in the next hour," Gordie said to harry while changing the IV bag.

"I have no clue what any of that means but sure ok."

"Are you going to the funeral tomorrow morning," Gordie asked Harry.

"Yeah probably."

"Gordie," Harry said in a lower voice so no one would hear him, "Have you looked into what I told you about Dewey."

"I've got Grizz and the boys looking into it."

Gordie walked out, leaving Harry and Clara. Harry looked at her pale face, she almost looked lifeless. It was his fault he thought, he hadn't checked on her, called her. 

Slowly, Clara opened her eyes. Harry jumped up and went to her side.

"Hey Clara, it's me."

Her eyes scanned his face. Remembering him, she relaxed into his touch. Gordie came back. 

"You're awake, good, Harry catch her up on everything."

"So you were in a sort of coma for like a day, I found you collapsed in your own house, Cassandra's funeral is tomorrow so if you feel up to it, we'll go."

"Why was I in a coma," she asked.

"We don't know, I'm thinking you might've had a big shock or something," Gordie replied, not knowing about the note.

Clara remembered the note, she could tell by Harry's face that he knew too.

"It was his handwriting, wasn't it."

"Yeah, it was."

"But how, I don't understand how he's done that."

"Neither do I but I think we should get you home, I'll take you to my house," Harry said.

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