Chapter 11

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//George's POV//
After a while, the park came into view, we found a spot and sat down.
Zak spread a cloth across the grass, Darryl put a plate of muffins on it, Nick put a pizza on it, Tommy brought some nuggets, I opened my picnic basket, picked the lemon pie up and put it on the cloth, also some forks and knives.
Rat was running around our picnic spot.
"Aww, Gogy! I thought you were gonna bring tea.." Nick cried.
"Wouldn't the tea have spilled everywhere?"
"No? By tea I meant like, bringing the ingredients to make tea?"
"Ohhh, I should've brought tea then."
Nick looked at my lemon pie.
"Awww, I'll miss Dream."
"No! I didn't cook Dream!"
"Then where is he?"
"At my house."
"You definetly cooked him, Im coming to your house after this."

//Zak's POV//
After spreading the picnic cloth across the grass, everyone put the stuff they brought on it. Nick and George were bickering about this 'lemon blob' thing, they may be high, i dont know.

After everyone put their things on the cloth, Darryl offered some muffins to everyone.
"Guys! I made 10 muffins, 2 vannila flavoured, 2 double chocolate ones, 2 plain, 2 strawberry ones and 2 with chocolate chips in them."
"Oh! Zak, you really like my double chocolate ones right? So I made one extra just for you!" Darryl smiled at me.
I thanked Darryl for the extra muffin.

George took a chocolate chip muffin, Nick took a double chocolate and a strawberry flavoured one. Tommy didn't want to eat the muffins, he took some nuggets and a slice of pizza. Darryl wanted to eat a bit of everything, so he took a slice of pizza, a nugget, one of his muffins and a slice of the lemon pie. I took a few nuggets and the muffin Darryl made for me.

After we ate the food, we talked and told eachother stories. Tommy told us a story where he almost fell off a tree and broke his legs.

Nick told us that there was a little pond nearby and it's George's favorite place to go when he's sad, it has little fishes in it and it looks like it came out of a fairytale.
Darryl asked if we could go, and Nick said yes, but Tommy didn't want to go. I decided to stay with Tommy since i didn't really like to walk a lot. Darryl and his dog, Nick and George got up and walked towards the pond they were talking about.

//Nick's POV//
George led us to the pond, we walked for about 15 minutes and the pond came into view.
"Holy muffins, this place is so pretty!" Darryl said in awe.
"I know, this is why it's my favorite place."

We sat on a log next to the pond. There was a little waterfall next to it.

Rat was confused by the fish, I guess she hasn't seen a fish before.

"These flowers are so pretty!" Darryl pointed at a patch of red flowers near the pond.
"Sadly, George cant see them cause he's colorblind." I laughed.
"What flowers?- Oh." George looked at the patch of flowers.
"They look yellow to me, I wish i had normal color vision."
"Aww, Im sorry. If I were able to afford glasses for your colorblindness, i would definetly buy them for you." Darryl said, sympathy lining his voice.

I looked down at the water, fishes were swimming around. One of them caught my eye, it was orange and it had streaks of red and yellow, It looked like it was on fire.

George, Darryl and I talked for a while, I got a call from Tommy, He told me that he was going home because it was getting late and he needed someone to go with him.

I checked the time, it was 6pm, we lost track of time.
"Guys, Im going home." I told them.
"Can you stay a bit more? Please?" George pleaded.
"George, Its pretty late and Tommy wants me to go with him" I told him and got up.
Darryl and George said goodbye to me and i headed for the exit of the park.

I saw Tommy standing by the exit with Zak, they were talking about something.

"Hi Tommy and Zak!"
"Hi Nick, are you gonna walk me home?" Tommy said.
"Yeah, Darryl and George wanted to stay a bit more."
"Can I go to the pond?" Zak asked.
"Oh come on, if i go home late, I'll get yelled at! You should've went to the pond earlier." Tommy said with an aggressive tone.
"But you wanted to stay at our picnic spot! I didn't want you to be left behind." Zak said.
"Guys, stop fighting! We can come back next weekend!" I shouted.
"But- What if George hurts Darryl?"
"No he wont, George isn't that kind of person."
"Nick, Pleeeease? Take me to the pond." Zak pleaded.
"Okay..." I sighed.

I took Zak and Tommy to the pond, George and Darryl were talking about food or something. Rat was trying to catch a fish but she was too scared.

"Hello Darryl and George!" Zak said in a cheerful tone.
"Hello Zak!" George and Darryl said back.
"Im going back, bye guys!" I said.
"Bye Nick and Tommy." They waved.

Tommy waved back and we went to the exit of the park.
We walked back home.

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