Chapter 1

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George woke up to the sound of his alarm, Ringgg ringgg!
It was 8am on a sunday, Why did i set an alarm? I dont have school today.
his mother called from downstairs.
He went downstairs and asked "What can i do for you, mother?"
She replied "Can you go harvest the lemons after breakfast?"
George said "Will do."

After breakfast, George went outside.
It was cloudy with a pleasant breeze, He liked this weather.
He went to the lemon trees and shook them, fresh and ripe lemons fell down from them, some landing on George's head.

Then, a heavy thing hit his head. He groaned and looked down, there was a yellowish white blob with a leaf sticking out of its head. George was shocked. He crouched and picked the blob up, he said "Hello, what are you?" The blob replied with a "Meep!"
George said "You're kinda cute, i'll name you Dream." He liked the name Dream since the blob looked like it came out of a dream.

He put the lemons in his basket and put Dream on top of them.
George thought: What is Dream? Where did it come from?
He was so confused.

George went back to his house, he wanted to show his mother the strange blob he found. But his mother wasn't home.
He sighed and placed the basket full of lemons on the kitchen counter, then went to his room.

He looked in his closet for anything that he could let Dream sleep on, he didn't find anything. Then, he remembered he had his late cat's bed somewhere, Dream could fit on the cat's bed.
George missed his cat so much, George had him since he was a kid.
Eventually, he found the cat's bed. He took it to his room and put Dream on it. It was almost 3pm, George didn't realize he was hungry. He went downstairs to get food. He cooked eggs and toast.

After eating, he went back to his room. He was shocked when he opened his door, Dream was nowhere to be found.

George looked here and there, no signs of the blob. He looked in the closet, still no blob. Then, he heard a soft "meep!" He looked behind his drawer. There Dream was, lodged between the wall and the drawer. George pushed the drawer away from Dream, the blob looked out of breath.

He pet the blob gently on his head, saying "Its okay. just dont do that again, it made me very worried."

Then, George heard a voice from downstairs, "We're home!" It was his parents.
He tucked Dream into it's bed and went downstairs.

His father asked him "Son, can you go help your mother cook dinner?"
George said "Sure."

After dinner, he went to his room to play Minecraft. Before logging on, he checked the time, It was 8pm. George logged on to Discord and searched for the username "Sapnap".

Georgenotfound: Dude you wont believe what i just found today.
Sapnap: ?
Georgenotfound: I was harvesting lemons and a weird blob just fell on my head, its weirdly cute.
Sapnap: Ooooh, can i see?
Georgenotfound: Sure!
Georgenotfound: *One attachment*
Sapnap: Aww thats cute, looks photoshopped though.
Georgenotfound: Its real, i swear!
Sapnap: Yeah sure. Wanna play minecraft?
Georgenotfound: Yeah :)

They logged on to Minecraft, they played for a pretty long time. Then, George had to sleep, it was 2am.

Georgenotfound: I gotta sleep, Goodnight Sapnap.
Sapnap: Goodnight! ^^

George logged off, looked at Dream, the blob was sleeping.
George didnt realize how sleepy he was. He quickly turned off his pc and went to bed. He looked at the stars outside his window, they looked oh so pretty, he wanted to fly up to the stars. His eyes were feeling droopy. after a few minutes, he didn't realize he was asleep.
Thanks for reading this chapter, if there are any typos, please let me know! sorry for the first chapter being short, i didnt have any ideas :(

Lemon Blob // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now