Chapter 19

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//Dream's POV//
I watched as George left, I felt a bit sad when he closed the door.
I laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling.

After a while I decided it was too boring to stare at the ceiling, so I went and looked at Georges stuff for the one millionth time.

As I got up to walk towards his desk, I tripped on the blanket which George gave me, I had thrown it so carelessly on the floor.
When my hands and the floor collided, it made a loud noise.

I hope his parents didn't hear that.
And right as I thought that, I heard someone open the door.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my son's room?!" A womans voice yelled as she saw me on the floor.
I was so terrified of this woman, probably George's mom, that the best defense i could think of was curling up into a ball.


"I-Im his friend... I um... got kicked out of my home... and.. George let me stay here..." I made up a lie that I was able to think of at the moment.

"Hm, He should've told me about you, he never sneaked a person into the house. But I guess he was unable to tell me. Come, you can stay in our house as long as you'd like."
This woman is so nice?

"Okay! Thank you... er... are you George's mom?"
"Yes." She led me to the guest room.
"Your house gives off a nice and cozy vibe." I complimented their house.
"Thank you, do you need anything to eat?" She asked.
"Uhh.. no thanks, im feeling a bit sick."

I sat on the bed of the guest room, it was pretty soft and comfy.
"Thank you for your hospitality, I thought you were going to kill me or something."

She laughed, then left the room.

There was a TV in the room, I got off the bed and looked on its table for its remote, after a while of searching, I realized it was on the drawer next to the bed.

I picked the remote up, picked a channel and watched it.


i dont have any motivation to finish this, but i dont want you readers to be upset so I continue writing this fic, I think my english is becoming a little bit better :)

Lemon Blob // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now