Chapter 14

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//Dream's POV//

(Time: 9am)

My eyes fluttered open to the sun blinding me, I sheilded my eyes.

Wait... somethings off...

My eyes adjusted to the light, my hands were infront of me.

I turned back into a human?

I looked down at myself, I was wearing a school uniform, with black shoes and yellow socks with white stripes on them. The clothes i was wearing when i was cursed.

I felt a dull pain in my head. I ran my fingers through my hair, I felt a thing on my head. I felt it a bit, It was smooth and long. 

I got up and looked in the pond, I saw my reflection, it was just a leaf on my head.

I tried pulling the leaf out of my head, but it hurt and it was hard to pull out.

I guess it's gonna stay there now. Oh well, its not that bad, looks cute.

I looked at the log next to the pond.


I miss George.

But he'll probably think im weird.

I sat on the log and looked down at the fish.

should get back to my parents, but where am I?

I checked the pockets of my pants. Luckily, my mobile was in there and also some money.

I checked my location.

How the heck did I end up in the UK? How am I gonna get home now? I cant even book a flight because i literally only have like 20 dollars.

Wait... I might be able to text or call a relative?

I opened my messenger app, but I had no internet.

I guess I'll have to go to some cafe with internet to text them.

I got off the log and exit the park.

//George's POV//

Its been a day since Dream went missing for like the billionth time. I normally would've found him by now because he doesn't go too far, but I think he went too far and got lost.

I pondered where he could be while I sat at a cafeteria table, eating lunch with my friends.

I'll look around the fields when i get home, maybe look around the park which we went to together.

"George, whats wrong? You've been kind of quiet since yesterday. Is everything alright?" Darryl looked at me with concern on his face.

"Oh, I'm alright, I just...miss someone." I said, the last half a bit too quietly, Darryl probably didnt hear it.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I just miss someone." I repeated.

"Who do you miss?" Darryl asked.

"Someone." I answered.


(Time skip to after school)

I was walking home with Nick, in silence.
It felt so weird, not joking around with him. We would usually talk about the stupidest things and laugh at childish jokes, but today was different.

Nick broke the silence.
"Dude, are you okay?"
"Wanna try and find Dream?"
"Sure...I haven't searched the fields yet."

Nick and I went to the field in which Dream was...born? Dream would come back home after going out, somehow. But this time he dissappeared without a trace.

We looked around the fields, still no sign of Dream.

"Should we look around the park?" I asked Nick.
"Ok. But we should hurry up since its getting late."

We got a taxi and went to the park.
We searched around its main areas, no Dream.
We searched around the pond, no Dream.
We searched around the forest, no Dream.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring.

"Where are you George?" My mom said with a slightly aggressive tone.
"Im at the park with Nick."
"Come home immediately! Have you checked the time?!"
"Oh- Ok, im coming."
I hung up.
"Im sorry, I have to go home.
"Its alright, we can search for him tommorow." Nick said.

Nick and I walked to my house, when we were at my doorstep, we said goodbye to eachother and he went to his house.

I ringed the bell and my dad opened the door.

"Hello George, what took you so long?"

"I was at the park with Nick."

"Oh, come back earlier next time."


I went to my room.

Maybe Dream came home?

I tried unlocking my door.

Huh?! I left the door open? Im so stupid.

I looked inside my room, It looked pretty empty now that Dream was gone.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes for a bit.

I heard my mom call me.

"George! Come down, dinner's ready!"

I got off my bed to go downstairs and eat dinner.

I hope i can find Dream.


what the dnf is this chapter

Lemon Blob // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now