Chapter 18

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//Dream's POV//
(Time: 5am)

I woke up.
I rubbed my eyes and looked at George's alarm.
Hm, It's 5am and George is still asleep.
I lay down and try to fall back asleep, but I failed.

What could I possibly do to entertain myself? Maybe watch George sle- Wait, no- thats weird...
I felt my face heat up a bit as I thought about that.
What else could I do? Hm, maybe look outside... but George's bed is in the way and hes asleep. Wait, I can just look from a distance.

I stood up, but my legs wobbled so much that I fell back down and made a loud noise.

"D-Dream?" A sleepy voice said my name.

I was so confused by my fall that I didn't pay attention to the voice.

"Dream, Did you make that noise? Why do you look so startled?"

The confusion wore off and I answered George,

"Y-Yeah-" My throat felt like something was stuck in it, so I coughed to clear anything which was possibly inside of it.

"Yeah, It was me who made the noise. Im sorry for waking you up."

George was staring at me as if he was studying me, his face wasa bit pink too.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Sorry- I was spacing out!" George quickly looked the other way.

After that, a weird silence followed.
It felt like forever until-

"Dream, can you check what the time is for me?" He sounded sleepy again.

"Okay." I checked the time for him.
"Its 5:35am."
"Huh, why are you up so early?"
"I dont know, I just woke up."
"Oh, Im going back to sleep. Goodnight?" George said as he pulled his blanket over himself.

The silence came back.
I wanted to ask him something but it was a bit embarrassing to say.
I thought about it for a while.

"What.." He sounded as if I woke him up.
"Um- can I-"
"Can I what..?"
"Sleep next to you? The floor's too hard..." I felt extremely embarrassed after saying that.
George went silent for a while.
"But the bed's too small."
"I guess you can sleep on my bed with me.. just dont pull the blanket off of me."

I hesitatingly took my pillow and put it on his bed, then laid down next to him. Surprisingly, he was a bit cold.

I turned my back towards him and slept.

Beep beep!

I woke up to George's alarm ringing, but I was in a different position from when I slept, I was facing the ceiling and George was clinging on to me. I turned his alarm off without moving too much so that he wont wake up.

After a while, I decided to wake him up.
"George? Wake up." I said gently.
He didn't wake up.
"George?" I said a little bit harsher this time.
Still didn't wake up.
"Geooorge?" I said a bit louder, then I shook him a bit.
"What?" He said quitely, eyes half opened.
"Wake up, you have to go to school and you are clinging to me as if your life depends on it."
George realized what position he was in and proceeded to push me off of the bed.
"Oops! Im so sorry! I didnt mean to!" He panicked.
"It's okay, Im not that hurt."
George got off his bed, got  ome clothes from his closet and went to the bathroom, He came out a few minutes later, all dressed.

"What do i do here? While you're gone?" I asked him.
"Uh, do nothing like you used to as a blob?" He said, while packing his stuff.
"I escaped almost every day and came back before you could find out."
"Oh. Uh-"
"I can make an account for you on my computer when I come home, until then, do whatever you want and watch out for my parents."

George left for school.


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