Chapter 8

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//George's POV//

Zak led us to the place where the boy was, he was curled up into a ball and was choking in sobs.

"Are you alright? Poor muffin." Darryl walked up to him.
"I-I miss him.." The boy choked.
"Miss who?"
"Its okay, you have us now. He didn't deserve you." Zak said.
Darryl helped the boy stand up and pulled him into a hug.
"What's your name?"
"Thomas, Tubbo used to call me TommyInnit. Since then, most of my friends called me that. So i guess you can call me Tommy."
"Okay." Zak and Darryl said.
Me and Nick were watching from a distance, Tommy noticed us.
"Who are those?" Tommy asked.
"Oh! They are our friends, George and Nick." Darryl pointed towards us, telling him our names.
"Oh ok, Wait. What's your name?"
"Darryl, This is Zak."

I checked the time, It was almost time for our next class.
"Guys, I think we should head towards our class. The bell should ring any time now."
"Okay." They said.
We told Tommy to meet us near the library after school and left.

(After the classes)

The group stood outside the entrance of the library, waiting for Tommy.
After a while, we saw him sprinting towards us.
"Hi, Tommy!" Nick greeted him.
"Hi, uh, Nick? Nice to see you."
"Guys, wanna go to the coffee shop near the park? It has delicious muffins." Darryl said in excitement.
"Yeah! I cant forget those chocolate muffins, the way it oozes in your mouth.." Zak sighed.
"That sounds delicious, lets go there."
We got a taxi.

//Darryl's POV//
Me and my friends sat in the taxi, most of the ride was silent, but a comfortable silence.
I told the taxi driver where to go, a few minutes later, the shop appeared in my vision.

"Guys! The shop is here!" I said, excitedly pointing at the small, but cozy looking shop, labeled "Tea n' Cakes"
Me and Zak were neighbours, we had to move from one school to another. My parents dont plan on moving, yet.

The taxi dropped us next to the shop, we went inside and got greeted with the smell of freshly baked cookies and a warm "Welcome!"

I asked my friends what they wanted to buy, George wanted coffee and some cookies, Nick wanted the muffins, Tommy wanted coffee too, and a muffin. Zak and I were going to get muffins, of course.

Although Tommy and George didn't want muffins, I bought them some anyways. I handed everyone their food, and sat on a chair to eat mine.
"Man, these are so good." Nick said, mouth filled with his muffin.
"I know right? Darryl, can we eat these again tommorow?" Tommy asked.
"Sure! Anything for my friends."

We got another taxi.
George was quiet since we sat in our ride, I wonder if he's ok.

//George's POV//

I wonder if Dream is ok, I hope he didn't jump outside like he did a few days ago.

"George, are you okay? Did the muffin make you feel sick?" Darryl asked.
"Yeah, im ok. Just thinking about something." I murmured.
"Oh ok. If you need to talk, Im here for you." Darryl comforted me.
"Thank you."
The rest of the ride, Zak and Darryl talked with each other and Nick annoyed me, Tommy just stared out the window.

We got dropped at the bus stop for Nick and I, Tommy's, Zak's and Darryl's were a bit farther from our houses.

"Im gonna get going. See you later guys!" I yelled, walking on the path to my house.
"Bye, George!" Nick and the others yelled back.

After about 20 minutes, my house came into view. I knocked on the door and heard my mother, "Come in!"
I opened the door and took off my shoes. Then, went upstairs to my room.
I saw Dream jumping on my bed, Boing! Boing!

"Dream! What are you doing?" I giggled.
"Im doing a bouncy." Dream answered.

I giggled a bit more, watching the blob, spin and make weird movements in the air when he bounced.

I went on my pc, a few messages from Nick on Discord.

Sapnap: Hey, i got their discord tags, They have minecraft too.
(Tags of Tommy, Darryl and Zak)
Georgenotfound: Pog! When do we play?
Sapnap: 10pm, i guess.

I checked the time, three and a half hours till 10.

Georgenotfound: Alright! Im going to eat dinner. Cya!
Sapnap: Bye.

I left my room to go eat dinner.

Im really sorry if my fic is cringy or boring, i really cant think of any words or names for certain things.
Fanart, suggestions and advice are cool

Lemon Blob // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now