Chapter 16

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//George's POV//

(This is the day after Dream texted Drista. After school)

I was standing at the exit of the school.

"Bye guys!" Darryl and Zak said, as they walked towards their houses.

"Bye!" Nick, Tommy and I said.

"I should go home too, see you guys tommorow." Tommy said.

"Bye Tommy." 

We watched Tommy walk away.

"Do you wanna go somewhere? Or search for Dream?" Nick asked.

"Hmmm, I wanna go somewhere today. Let me ask my mom if i can go with you first."

"Okay, I already have my mom's permission."

I dialed my mom's number on my phone.

"Hello? Mom?"

"Hello George, what do you want?"

"Uh- Can I go somewhere with Nick?"


"I dont know, to buy something and stuff?"

"Okay, but come home at 8."

"Okay, bye."

I hung up.

"I have to go home at 8." I told Nick.

"Okay, where do we go?"

"Can we go to the park? Or the shops near your house?"

"Should we go to the shops first? I need some new clothes." Nick asked.


Nick and I walked to the shops.


We entered a clothes shop.

Nick went in the shirts aisle and I followed.
He picked up some hoodies and shirts and went to the cashier to pay for the clothes.

After paying, we went back outside.

"Now what?" Nick asked.


I saw a cute little duck plushie sitting inside one of the stores.

"Aww, what a cute duck!"


"Um, can we go to the plushie shop? I wanna buy the duck."

"What duck?- Oh, okay." Nick spotted the duck in the shop.

I took Nick to the shop and picked the duck up.

"Its so soft! Nick, would you like to buy something?"

"Ok. Hmm, this panda plushie! Its really cute and soft."


I took the panda from his hands and went to the cashier and payed for the two plushies, then we exit the shop.

"Nick, where should we go now?" I asked, holding the bag which our plushies were resting in.

"Hmm, lets buy some donuts and go home?"


Nick took me to the donuts shop, we bought some donuts and sat on the chairs.

"I dont like this donut, it tastes weird." Nick said.

"Buy a new one?"


"Um, okay."

After eating the donuts, we walked home.

"See you tommorow, Nick!"

"Bye George!"

We parted ways.


Lemon Blob // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now