Chapter Three

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It had been 3 days since Rose's last game. Upon returning to her apartment the adrenaline wore off and she realised that the bullet was still in her arm, which left her the fun job of getting it out. With a lot of alcohol and swearing she retrieved the bullet and stitched herself up.

There were enough days on her visa that she didn't need to worry about getting into a game right away, so she gave herself a couple of days to heal.

She watched the city, scavenging and sleeping during the day and watching the games from her rooftop at night.

She couldn't see the exact details of what was happening, but she saw the destruction, buildings collapsed, usually lots of fire.

Late every night lasers filled the sky removing all the people who let their visas expire. So far, she hadn't gathered any further information on the game's creator other than the fact that they were sadistic. She did however know that the beach was collecting cars and taking them back to whatever hole they had crawled into. The beach dwellers voices could always be heard, screaming and yelling like lunatics without a care in the world.

As long as they left her alone she didn't care.

By the fourth day, she was itching to play again. There was something about the rush of almost dying and then surviving on top, it was a thrill she hadn't known before and she found herself wondering more than once if she actually wanted to return to the real world.

Packing a small bag she dressed in jeans and a loose top with a harness underneath, did her makeup and started out for the next game. Not pulled from a club look but maybe from a nice dinner or mall, this also meant her bandaged arm was hidden.

She always brought a small backpack with her and hid it outside the arena, just in case she had to run and couldn't make it back to her apartment.

There was a game a few blocks over at an aquarium, an interesting arena.

After finding a safe place to stash her bag she joined the others waiting in the lobby. There was around 12 already there and waiting, they made way for her as she grabbed a phone and registered.


Rose sighed in annoyance and went to find a comfortable place to sit. There was a seat just in front of the large empty aquarium tank that she claimed.

She recognised a few faces from previous games but none of them were anything special. A small part of her had been hoping to meet Chishiya tonight but then she didn't want to be the one to kill him if it came to it. She looked up at the arrival of the last three players.

Army pants, some guy covered in tattoos holding a katana and another tall man with a nose and eyebrow piercing holding a gun. The one with the gun had a cocky grin on his face while he talked to his two companions, she watched them hesitantly – if this was a physical game with limited survivors, they would be the biggest competition.

Army pants recognised her making his way over, he now had a scar across his eye.

"What happened to you?" Rose asked starting the conversation, there was no avoiding talking with them, Army pants had started towards her as soon as he'd seen her. She didn't miss the way piercings eyes were trailing her.

"The tag game got interesting" he shrugged, looking around bored and unimpressed.

"Have you thought about the offer made at your first game? I'm pretty sure you got to know one of our other members at our last game" he questioned and she nodded, leaning back, she watched as all eyes were trained on her movements.

"Answers still the same but seeing as this is our third meeting, what's your name?" piercings laughed at her, tattoos just stood there watching the other players,

"Aguni" he held out his hand, she stared at it cautiously for a moment before shaking it,


"Well Rose, maybe you'll change your mind by the end of the game" her eyes narrowed at the threat and piercings laughed harder.

"If you want princess, I can protect you" Piercings smiled rolling his tongue in a suggestive manner. She rolled her eyes, ignoring the small spark of excitement within her. He was attractive but she could tell he was nothing but trouble. He might be the one she can use to get through this game though.

"I can protect myself" she smiled seductively, her mind made up, "in the case I do need saving, I'll call for you" she worked hard to hide the cringe at her own words but he seemed to be eating it up. As much as it pained her she knew that having the strongest players in some kind of alliance, even if that meant giving up a bit of her pride, was the closest thing to a guarantee that she would make it through the game.

Rose let her eyes roam over him, she even had to admit it wasn't a bad sight –

"What's your name?" she asked biting her lip, he smirked walking up to her and leaning in to speak in her ear.

"Niragi, don't worry baby, when we're back at the beach I'll have you screaming it all night long" his breath fanned across her throat, teasing her before pulling away. She didn't miss the warning when not if she returned to the beach. Pushing down the part of her that enjoyed the close proximity, she placed a hand on his chest.

"We'll just have to see how lucky you are wont we" she teased, before walking away. He laughed whistling at her as she walked away. Rose knew she'd have to get out of here quickly once the game was done or she'd been dragged back to that Cult, but she had him interested enough that he would probably try and keep her alive.

The annoying voice started again and told them the rules of the game.





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