Chapter Twenty-Six

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The next morning Rose woke up to someone pounding on her door. Luckily, she didn't feel hungover as she made her way to the door. Outside Kuina was leaning against the door frame.

"I need food" the girl before her said, she didn't look to bad, this morning just tired. Rose's stomach growled in response even though she didn't really feel like eating. The numbness she felt last night hadn't left but there was a ray of light shining through in the form of a tall girl with dreads.

"Usagi will probably need some too" Rose sighed, she opened the door wider so Kuina could come in and she could quickly change. Niragi had gotten her bags sent to her room as promised, she pulled out her new bikini and picked up another, tossing it to Kuina.

"I got this for you" Kuina caught the bikini looking at it with a grin.

"When did you have time to shop?" Rose didn't answer and Kuina took the hint. They had fallen into an easy friendship and learnt each other's ques pretty quickly. Kuina could tell something was off – Rose was acting more like she had when she first arrived, somewhat less human – more like a cyborg mimicking the people around her.

Together they headed down to the breakfast area. They had checked on Usagi but Arisu was looking after her and they knew she was secretly enjoying all his attention so they left them alone.

The girls sat eating in silence until they were approached by Chishiya who pulled up a chair and joined them. He had an arrogant smirk on his face that caused Kuina and Rose to share a look,

"What are you so –" Kuina motioned to his face "-about?"

"I had a good night" he replied, back not looking at Rose, part of her wanted to know what was so good about last night but she was doing a good job of shoving that part in a box in her mind and kicking it. Chishiya leaned back in his chair putting his hands in his pockets and looking relaxed.

"That look just screams trouble" Rose commented taking a bite of her toast. Chishiya's eyes quickly flicked to her and away – dismissing her. She chuckled remembering his words last night, as she thought – they weren't real.

"Kuina are you playing tonight?" Rose asked dully.

"Yeah, I think Usagi and Arisu are due as well" Kuina said dreamily enjoying the smell of her morning coffee. Rose picked up her hot chocolate thoughtful for a moment.

"I think I'll play too" Kuina froze staring at Rose with a pointed glare.

"You don't need to play tonight; you still have days on your visa" Kunia's voice was firm as if scolding a small child. Chishiya was silent and Rose could almost forget he was there.

"Before I ended up here I played every night" she reminded Kuina who just rolled her eyes.

"I miss the rush, all my games lately have been fucked up by one beach member of another – I think I'm due for a fun one" Kuina put her cup down forcefully leaning back in her chair and staring at Rose in disbelief.

"You're insane, like purely truly insane" she shook her head, "Can you believe her?" she turned to Chishiya, his smirk was bigger now – bordering on a smile. He didn't answer Kuina which annoyed her causing her to poke him harshly in the ribs.

"I'll be fine Kuina, I promise, we'll both come back and enjoy a drink together" Rose tried to reassure her. Kuina just shook her head.

"I will never understand you woman" she gave an uneasy smile. She didn't like this version of Rose, it left her feeling uneasy.

"That's why you love me" Rose blew her a kiss. 

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