Chapter Twenty-Four:

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"Doesn't this place have a spa?" Rose asked as they sat on the edge of the pool. She could vaguely remember finding one when she first got here but had completely forgotten the way. She wasn't too excited to jump into the pool for fear or being drowned by the large amount of bodies in the water.

"I think so, we could go for a look?" Kunia suggested, already getting to her feet. She helped Rose up and they both pulled Usagi up, she had a pink blush on her face from the drinks she'd consumed and was struggling to keep the smile off her face. Kunia and Rose laughed at her while helping her along,

"No more for you" Rose said tapping her nose "but Kunia, I think you and I are due for refills?" she shook her empty glass, Kunia grinned handing hers over as Usagi drunkenly tried to argue that she should have another think almost falling over in her process.

"Sure sweetie, I'll get you a drink" Rose grinned mouthing water to Kunia. Her smile stuck on her face even as she made it to the bar, she ordered her drinks and watched the crowd as she waited.

"I'm glad to see you back" the voice made her freeze momentarily.

"Was there ever any doubt?" the smile on her face had dropped but his signature smirk sat on his.

"No, if anyone could pull off the insane it's you" she smiled at the compliment, her chest beating hard, her mind confused.

"Thanks for the faith" she smiled as the bartender handed over her drinks, "Gotta go girl time" she quickly walked away.

By the time she found Kunia and Usagi, her mood had dropped. Kunia noticed but Usagi was off in her own world.

"You ok?" Kunia asked taking her drink as Rose tried to get Usagi to drink her water.

"I hate feelings" Rose said scrunching her nose in disgust. Kunia just laughed at her,

"You have two guys completely crazy about you and you don't like it?" Rose looked around quickly but no-one was paying them any attention. Thanks to the drinks she had consumed she felt more talkative then usual – especially after how good it felt talking to Niragi.

"Two points 1." She pointed a finger "the guy that actually does like me can't be anywhere near me and we have to basically forget the other exists, 2. The other guy that I liked and that I though liked me only wanted to have some fun then disappeared. So, no I do not have 2 guys crazy about me, I have 2 sucky situations involving 2 guys" Kunia's eyebrows knotted together in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"Aguni doesn't like me, doesn't like the fact that Niragi wants me protected or something so he told Niragi to stay away from me or he'll be considered a traitor" Kunia's eyes widened in surprise

"Ok then but what about Chishiya?"

"See he really confuses me, he has been there multiple times to help me, patch me up, just make sure I'm not alone. He stayed with me for 2 full days while I recovered from stabby dude – I can't make any sense of my feelings or thoughts when he's there. He's smart and so beautiful, I feel like I was set up to fail from the start and then as soon as we had sex he ran" Rose huffed, the alcohol fuelled rant making Usagi giggle on the floor.

"You had sex with Chishiya?" Kunia asked with wide eyes, giggling Rose nodded.

"Was it good? Wait no, I don't want to know" Kunia said shaking her head.

"He was great" Rose sighed blissfully and Kunia fake gaged next to her.

"Ok, but what do you mean he ran?" Kuina pressed, she figured that she would probably have to smack the blonde over the head for his pathetic social skills.

"We finished doing it, he took me to bed and went to leave. I asked him to stay and he just got this look on his face, and then he left" Kunia was silent after this seemingly lost in her own thoughts. Rose didn't mind, she didn't want to keep talking about it because it brought back those feelings of confusion and sadness – she didn't want them.

Instead another bad idea started to settle over her, she wanted to play a game. She voiced this to Kunia and was promptly smacked on the back of the head.

"1 no your drunk, friends don't let friends enter death game drunk. 2 I think we need to put Usagi to bed" she said pointing to the girl on the floor who was swaying out of tune to the music, a large goofy grin on her face. Rose nodded in agreement, and they lifted the girl holding her between them.

They reached Usagi's room and dropped her on the bed where the girl quickly curled into her sheets telling the other girls that she loved them. They snuck back out breaking down in laughter, as soon as the door was closed. Listening to drunk Usagi talk about her crush on Arisu was just hilarious.

it was a good feeling laughing with a friend over something silly and it seemed once they started they couldn't stop – everything was making them laugh harder until the girls were on the floor leaning against each other to stay upright.

"What are we even laughing about?" Kunia wheezed as she tried to get air into her lungs.

"I don't even know" Rose choked out between laughs; she took a few deep breaths to calm herself but as soon as she looked at Kunia she lost it again.

"Did you two take something?"

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