Chapter Nine

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Chishiya disappeared once they returned back to the Beach, saying he would take care of her card for her. A little disappointing as Rose was hoping to talk with him more.

She was grateful to see her other two friends had returned. It still surprised her how attached she had come to the two. Arisu complained about how Anne had known the answer the whole time but wouldn't tell him.

"They know your smart Arisu, they wanted to see how smart" Usagi sighed,

"Chishiya did the same thing with me" Rose offered and Arisu sighed leaning back on the bed,

"Well, I guess that means we might be executives soon" he thought out loud and Rose smiled,

"At least we can take it on together" she grinned, he smiled back in agreement.

"I don't know about the executives though, they seem –" Usagi started unsure how to continue.

"Untrustworthy? Manipulative? Crazy?" Rose offered and they both laughed at her.

"Yeah, something like that".

They sat quietly for a little while just relaxing, Rose watched the two of them. How they would sneak a glance at the other when they thought they wouldn't get caught.

"Well I am going to celebrate the first fun game I have attended in ages, don't wait up" Rose smiled getting to her feet and leaving the room. Usagi tried to call her back worried that something might happen but Arisu told her to let it go – Rose did what Rose wanted to do, they would either join her or let her go have fun solo. Rose did actually want to drink but she also wanted the others to have some alone time. They so clearly liked each other but they were taking it slow.

With a smile she went to the club stealing a bottle from behind the bar when no-one was looking. Despite the happy mood she was in, the crowds felt like too much hassle tonight. Wandering around she tried to get a feel for the beach eventually finding a spa area underground, it made her smile especially because it was completely empty.

For the first time in a while she could forget about the messed up world around her. Her own company was her only companion and it felt great. Arisu and Usagi were very close to her now, having them around was an amazing privilege but she did still miss her moments of solitary peace.

After a while a certain blonde started invading her thoughts and she decided to go and find him. Something about him was alluring, he would also have more information on this place – information that could be very useful to her and her friends.

She walked across the lobby when she saw a few people running out to a car, slightly tipsy she made her way to them, feeling the excitement radiate off them.

"What's going on?"

"We're going to play another game, it's only midnight" one said with a large grin, she felt her own grin grow.

"Can I join?" they nodded making space for her in the back seat. Her adrenaline started pumping, she may have been tipsy but was quickly sobering with the promise of another game. Her first had been fun she hoped to continue the trend.

There was a high-rise serving as an arena not far from the beach. The group cheered loudly one of them throwing an arm around her shoulders and including her in their cheer and hype up ritual, she felt herself get wrapped up in their excitement, joining in on their joy. For a moment she forgot she was walking into a life or death game – it felt as if they were going to a football game or concert.

That feeling came crashing down for her when they joined a young school girl in the lobby, she looked terrified. They collected their phones, hoping for a team game or a physical, everyone's face dropped when the voice announced the game.

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