Chapter Seven

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When she finally regained consciousness, Rose found herself in a room full of people staring at her while she was tied to a chair. She sighed annoyed, it seems that like it or not, she was now at the famous Beach.

"Get the boss she's awake" a voice behind her said and within a few moments the door burst open loudly.

"Hello again my dear" a voice came from behind her, "I haven't seen you for a while, I'm glad to see you reconsidered out offer" his joyous voice boomed. Rose scoffed, sure reconsidered, let's call it that.

"Welcome to the beach, where we are united in getting one person back to the real world and away from this country. Thanks to you we now have a large number of cards that were missing –"

"Great, happy to help, can I leave now?" She wanted nothing more than to rip her cards from his hands but she knew she would be dead before she got two steps.

"Let me explain more about our haven before you make any hasty decisions" he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

"You can have anything you want here – drinks, drugs, sex – it's a constant party, but you do need to follow the three rules. One; all cards are property of the beach and to be handed over immediately after a game. Two; everyone wears a swimsuit that way no-one can hide any weapons" well at least that explains why everyone here was half dressed.

"Rule three; death to traitors"

"And if I try to leave I'm a traitor?" Rose confirmed, he smiled again and she noticed he was more unhinged than the last time they met.

"I'm glad you understand, my name is Hatter and if you have any concerns while you're here please come and see me. We have very high expectations of you from what we have heard. You will be given a high number thanks to all the cards you brought us, you can move up when someone dies or when we start the ascension" He motioned for them to untie her and she was grateful to have the scratchy rope removed.

"Mira will show you to your room" he motioned to a lady behind you, turning you saw her, long black hair, black swimwear and skirt but what caught your attention was her expression. A twisted smile that held secrets and something was telling you she was excited you were there.

"I need my backpack, check it if you want but I need the medical supplies" he flicked his wrist sending one of the footmen off. Rose tried to read Hatter, he had lost a few screws since they last met, he was more erratic and his god complex had grown.

He wanted her because she was a strong player, the stories about her games had become legend but she was a little too clever and that may cause him problems. He dismissed her and she followed the black haired woman out of the room.

Rose wondered how long it would be until her 'usefulness' was outweighed.

"This is your room. There are no locks on any of the doors, they were all broken a long time ago – we have no secrets here" she gave a wild and creepy smile before walking away.

"Great, can I get my backpack soon?" Mira nodded in the distance advising she would also collect the swimwear for her. Walking into the room, Rose looked around. So this is the Utopia huh. It wasn't terrible, just an average hotel room. She looked around – a double bed, 2 seats by the window. Outside she had the perfect view of the pool area, complete with DJ Booth, pool tools and operating bar.

It didn't take Mira long to get back. She returned the backpack and provided a two piece swimsuit that made Rose sigh.

There were upsides to the place though, they included power and hot water.

Opening the backpack she saw that they had left her with her medications and Arisu's jacket, her knives were gone but that she expected.

When she got into the shower she hid her sweats so they could be used again in games. Rose sighed happily as hot water spilled over her skin. It was the first hot shower she had since arriving in the death lands.

The hot water had worked wonders on her muscles and she finally felt clean after she spent what seemed like hours scrubbing away the dirt layered on her skin.

When she reached her leg she unwound the bandages, her jump had caused her stiches to bleed again but she just cleaned them gently – it still looked awful but it wasn't infected and that was the best she could ask for.

Eventually she dragged herself from the shower, grateful to be clean.

Rose took a look out the window before planning to go to bed, that was until she spotted a familiar face down by the pool. With a grin she slipped the hoodie on and raced downstairs as fast as her leg would let her, bursting into the pool area and pushing her way though the crowd of people.

"Hi there" Rose said unable to stop her smile.

"Rose! You're here!" Usagi jumped up to hug her followed by Arisu.

"Why are you here? I thought you didn't want to come?" Arisu asked her, relief evident on his face as he checked her over for injuries. She smiled at him,

"I didn't really have a choice, someone knocked me out and brought me here after my last game. I'm glad to see you guys though "Arisu quickly claimed two lounge chairs for them to sit.

How's the leg?" he asked lightly touching it.

"It's alright, a little sore, I may have jumped over a railing in my last game" he shook his head.

"At least your ok" he smiled. Usagi cuddled by Rose's side, looking around cautiously.

"Anyone feel like we're being watched?" Usagi asked, hugging Rose's arm. Her behaviour was a little odd but Rose just put it down to being apart for two days and the unease of the new environment.

"We're new, it will go away soon" Rose attempted to reassure her, patting her head.

"So the beach huh, did you find the answers you were looking for?" it was a poor attempt at a distraction but it seemed to work as they both looked thoughtful.

"I don't know" Arisu replied. Rose didn't have an answer for this, she doubted the Beach had any more information than anyone else, they were trying to achieve the same thing she was – collect all the cards and go from there.

Feeling someone's gaze on her she scanned the area, there was a tall girl with dreads watching her and the others intently. Their gazes met and Rose narrowed her eyes the message clear – Stay away from them. The tall girl smiled pulling the stick from her mouth and disappearing into the crowd.

"Come on, let's go back to my room, I don't think staying here is a good idea" Rose said trying to stand and loosing her balance. Arisu came to her aid slipping his arm around her waist and helping her upstairs.

Little did Rose know; the tall girl wasn't the only one watching them.

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