Chapter Nineteen

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Rose tried to sleep for hours but the relief of sleep never came. The longer she stayed in bed the more numb she felt,

This is pathetic, get up and do something!

Her mind continued to scream at her but it couldn't seem to command her body into moving.

After staring at the wall until sunrise she was finally able to get herself up. Someone had left her a new swimsuit thankfully; her other was in tatters and covered in blood. She also had a light jacket similar to Hatters that could tie at the front, it was perfect seeing as her stomach and torso looked like she had been dragged through razors.

Enough crying over him, you knew better from the beginning.

As she exited the room she ran straight into Arisu.

"You're awake" he said relieved, Rose threw herself into a hug that he carefully returned.

"Yeah, took a little while to get sorted but I'm up" she responded releasing him. He stuck close to her just in case she needed him as they walked outside.

"Chishiya told us you were roughed up pretty bad by Aguni's men, we came to visit a few times and to make sure he ate. He never left your room you know" her chest constricted at the mention of him, had he really not left?

"Yeah, well it wouldn't look too good if I died after his doctoring" Rose joked, a strange look crossed Arisu's face.

"Isn't he in there anymore?"

"No, he left last night, I woke up and his job was done I guess" Arisu still looked confused and somewhat doubtful as they walked into the pool area. Drained Rose sat on a nearby lounge chair and removed her jumper, enjoying the warmth on her skin, it was even worth the slight sting against her injuries.

She heard a sharp intake of breath and saw Arisu staring at her, momentarily confused she looked down and remembered how messed up she looked.

"Sorry, I should have given you some warning" she said pulling the jacket over to cover her body.

"You shouldn't be apologising, I'm sorry I didn't stop them" Arisu sat in front of her looking into the distance, she could see the dark circles under his eyes – he blames himself, she realised sadly. She squeezed his arm comfortingly.

"It's not your fault and there was nothing you could have done. The only reason I'm not dead is because you pulled me up, so don't beat yourself up ok" he tried to return a smile, nodding although he still couldn't look at her.

"You know, I never thought I'd make friends here, I didn't have a lot in the real world either" she said quietly, he finally turned to her.

"I came in with my best friends, the only people who accepted me back home – my brothers – I lost them here. I didn't expect to find others that I cared about after that" he said thoughtfully.

"It's a terrifying thing isn't it, giving someone else the chance to hurt you and praying that they don't" you said quietly.

"You also give them the chance to be a strength, a reason to keep fighting – because what's the point in surviving if there's nothing worth living for".

Hmmm, was all she could reply, replaying his words in her mind. They sat in a silence for a small time both milling over the experiences and lessons of this world.

"How are you and Usagi?" Rose nudged him playfully, not letting him linger on his lost friends for too long.

"We're good, I really like her" he smiled sheepishly.

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