Chapter Six

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"Well, well, well, would you look who we finally found" Rose stilled at the voice behind her.

You've got to be kidding me. She turned and saw Niragi making his way to her.

"Hello there Princess, it's been awhile" he grinned widely, it was as if they were old friends.

"How's the leg?" he asked looking down, she wore sweatpants that covered her bandages but she was walking with a limp.

"It's fine, I can handle a shark bite" in her peripheral she saw some of the other players eyes widen.

"Did she say shark?" she heard someone whisper and smirked, that's right, I took on a shark, none of you scare me.

"I looked for you afterwards" he watched her tilting his head, he grabbed her chin leaning down so they were eye level.

"Where did you disappear to hmm?"

"I didn't want to go with you" she answered pulling away from him, he laughed abruptly shaking his head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a girl to be afraid of" he announced gaining everyone's attention, "she hid from five of us while bleeding out from a shark bite after almost drowning! You Princess are one hell of a woman" he grinned, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close and leaning down to her ear.

"Have you reconsidered our offer? You're running out of chances you know" he was so close, she could feel his breath on her skin, so close, she was just waiting to feel his lips on hers.

She laughed quietly, speaking quietly into his ear.

"I ran from you while bleeding out because I didn't want to, do you really think my minds changed?" the look on her face was defiance mixed with a little arrogance. Niragi pulled back and he couldn't stop his smile, this girl was unlike any others he had met, and she just continued to surprise him.

No wonder Hatter wanted her.

"I just made you the biggest target here, people will either want you on their side or will try to kill you first. Agree to come with me and I'll keep you safe" he squeezed her hip, keeping her tight against him.

"You're a bastard" she replied pulling away from him, he smirked looking her over again, she could feel the heat in his gaze.

Rose walked away as normally as she could and found a place to sit while she waited for the game to start.

She scanned the next arena, she would be fighting for her life in a theme park.


She took another look at the group before her – they all had that look on their face, no-one was new to the game.

Some where cocky, others were just on the point of breaking. A few kept shooting looks at her, the question they had on their face was clear, would she be helpful?

Tattoo, Aguni and Niragi stood together along with a few others from their cult.

Niragi hadn't taken his eyes off her, a smug smile on his face when her eyes met his. She rolled her eyes and he winked before another girl walked to him – draping herself on him, he took no notice of her, his eyes trained on Rose at least until the girl forced him to look down so she could kiss him.

Rose scoffed as she saw him kiss her back.

You want me but make me watch your tongue going down some girls throat. Looking away she realised what he was doing – he was trying to make her jealous.

The thought caused her to giggle and drew the eyes of those near her. Her eyebrows raised challenging them, daring them to question her. She didn't need him, if by some unfortunate event she ended up at the beach she would be looking for the blonde she'd met a few weeks ago.

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