Chapter Twenty-Nine:

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Rose laid low for the next few days, keeping her head down and forming her plans. Hatter was due to play his game tonight and it was time for her to strike.

She had avoided her friends the past few days working through every outcome of her plan.

Resting against the balcony she watched Hatter's speech. The usual buzz amplified by the fact that Hatter was due to play.

"I'm surprised to see you here" she raised an eyebrow as Chishiya appeared beside her.

"We need to get you a bell" she noted, and he chuckled.

"Then this wouldn't be as fun" he joked, leaning against the railing next to her. Close enough she could feel him but not enough to be touching.

"I haven't seen you the last few days" he commented, looking ahead.

"I was resting up, its been a rough few weeks" she said calmly, he snorted in disbelief.

"You were bitten by a shark and still moving around more than you have been the past few days, so I'll ask again – what are you doing Rose?" she turned to face him, he wasn't playing with her,

"You know I'm really tired of everyone calling me a liar" her voice laced with annoyance.

"Then stop giving them reasons to" he replied calmly.

"You're such a curious cat, didn't you ever hear the saying curiosity killed the cat? Or maybe you just remind me of the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. Clever and scheming and misdirecting."

"I guess you haven't heard the rest of the saying. Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back."

"You know, I always loved Alice in Wonderland – the idea of disappearing into another word was so enticing. Being stuck in this world – there's certainly more life lessons than I expected."

"Rose, please" he put his hand over hers. She looked at their hands strangely, before looking at him. She studied him for a few moments before sighing.

"Chishiya please" she mimicked trying to walk away. He grabbed her arm stopping her, the pressure wasn't harsh – she could pull away if she really wanted to but she didn't want to.

"I'm getting out of here" she said simply, he waited for a moment hoping she would expand but it seemed her would have to drag it out of her piece by piece. He had multiple questions but one came to his mouth before he could stop it.

"Were you leaving alone?" she studied him again,

"No, if the plan worked; I was going to take Arisu, Usagi and Kuina. Kuina would have brought you" his hand involuntarily squeezed hers.

"You said if" he pointed out, she shrugged looking over the crowd again.

"There's no guarantee it will work".

"So that's your grand plan? Go on a suicide mission and hope it works?" he looked at her in concern and disbelief. She gave him an annoyed look.

"Don't worry Chishiya, nothing will happen to you or effect you" Chishiya moved so quick and Rose was shoved against the pole beside them.

"What the hell is your problem lately?"

"What's yours?" she growled angrily "let me go" she fought against him but he was able to keep her still.

"Are you that ready to die? You put together some half assed plan –"

"Why do you care?" she interrupted him, he stared at her for a moment confused.

"Because I care about you idiot, against my better judgement I care about the most reckless person I have ever met" he shook his head. Surprised she just stared at him before groaning in annoyance.

"I don't get you, seriously, what is it that you want?" she struggled to keep her voice down.

"I want you" he replied without hesitation "I want you alive, I want to not have to worry about you getting yourself killed" he let her go stepping back and breathing heavily, she could see the anger on his face.

"I want you to myself, not to share you with some psychopath that has a gun or Hatter! Yeah, I heard about that." His breathing grew heavy.

"Chishiya" she breathed his name. He grabbed her hand pulling them into a room behind them – everyone was still downstairs so they wouldn't be interrupted.

"Have you entirely lost all sense of self preservation? And why is it your habbit to go after the most dangerous people here?"

"Why are you with him?" Chishiya demanded unable to control his mouth. The two had had problems with each other since they first met and never had a girl caught both their eyes.

"Are you actually jealous?" she asked in shock.

"Of course not" he scoffed but it was clearly a lie.

"You only like me when I'm useful to you Chishiya, I'm a bit of fun for you when its required. What happens when I'm no longer useful? Because last time that happened you left and disappeared for days." She was taken back when she saw the hurt in his eyes. Her voice had risen and she hadn't realised how much she needed to get that out, how angry she was with him.

"Is that really what you really think of me?" he stepped up to her, putting his hands on both sides of her face so she was forced to look at him.

"I am not good with emotions; I don't read others nor have I ever cared about others feelings until you. I care for you more than I should, more than anyone else. I've been staying away because I thought you wanted me to, every time I tried to talk to you, you ran" Rose searched his face, his eyes for any indication that he was lying or trying to manipulate her but he seemed sincere.

Rose lifted her hand cupping his face and pulling him towards her, their lips met slowly at first but soon the kiss deepened.

When they had finally calmed down and their breathing was calm Chishiya pulled her against him, she curled her body against his, her back against his chest.

"I have a plan, I just need more time" he said stroking her arm, she grabbed his hand kissing it.

"Will you tell me what your planning?" she asked quietly, playing with his fingers, he leaned down kissing the back of her shoulder.

"No, I just need you to trust me, can you do that?"

"I'll give you a few days, if you haven't told me by then my plan goes into action" he sighed at her but it was the best compromise he was going to get.

"Fine then" he kissed her neck again, she moved giving him better access.

"Let's head back to my room for round 2 shall we? I don't want to be interrupted" she smiled suggestively at him.

"I'll join you tonight, now that I have a timeline there's a few pieces I need to arrange" he stroked her face, "I'm getting you out of here".

"Us Chishiya, we all leave together" he nodded kissing her on the forehead. They dressed leaving the rooms and heading in opposite directions, Rose had promised Chishiya that she would wait for his plan but she knew she couldn't.

It was time to get moving.

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