Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters (or the original story) except Eleanor.


That was the first thing she felt when she regained consciousness.

Then, panic.

She couldn't see a thing. All she could feel was the cold hard floor beneath her hands.

She sat up, feeling around, trying to gain information. She could feel certain objects but she soon stopped touching around, afraid of what she might find. Her heart was pounding loudly in her ears supressing any option to think clearly.

Suddenly, a loud shrieking noise was heard. She raised her hands up to her ears covering them and screamed loudly along with the screeching, the sound making her dizzy.

What was happening?

She felt nauseous then, as the floor started moving up beneath her, ascending painfully slowly. She tried remembering how she got there but she came up empty. Then, tried to rememeber something... anything.
The sound made her think she was in some small room, probably an elevator.

Her breaths started to come up faster, her lungs feeling empty as she gasped for air. All she could rememeber was a word, so clear. So she focused on it, trying to steady her breathing:


Unsure of how much time had passed, she laid down again, curling into a fetal position. Fear paralysed her yet again. She could feel wet tears runnning along her cheeks and falling down on her hair. She clossed her eyes tightly, tensing her whole body, just whising, hoping for it to be over.

Finally, the place screeched to a halt, her ears buzzing at the sudden silence. But it didn't last long. A new mechanical noise was heard as light started to fill the space, blinding her.

She recoiled back, hiding away from the blinding light, afraid of what was next. Her back collided with the wall behind her, knocking the air out of her lungs. She could hear voices, but at the same time,it seemed like her world was on mute.

The sound stopped and she was aware that the whole top of where she was in was suddenly gone.

She could see silhouettes cutting against the light, human silhouttes. She could hear their voices, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Her heart was pounding, deafening in her ears. Her sight was starting to adjust to the change of light and she could see she was inside a huge metal container of some kind, surrounded by smaller boxes.

A thud.

She snapped her gaze to the spot, a rope lay on the opposite wall. She did not know if it was meant for her to climb up or for someone to come down. She didn't move, too terrified to do anything.

Her heartbeat was deafening her.

A few seconds passed. She knew they were talking to her but she couldn't make out the words, terrified out of her mind. She bit her lip drawing out the metalic taste of blood. Frozen in place, she was unable to do anything other than stare straight ahead at the rope.

Two big brown boots descending the wall entered her vision. She quickly hid her head down, her hair cascading down in the process. She could feel her body shaking. Someone was coming to get her but, even when the steps stopped in front of her, she didn't look up.

"C'mon Greenie, or I'll shucking drag you out myself." A strong accented voice said.

Still shaking, Eleanor raised her head, her eyes slowly coming in contact with dark ones. He supressed a gasp.

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