Chapter 29

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For a split of second they floated through the air submerged in a surreal weightless feeling.

Then, they were falling, Eleanor's stomach jumping to her throat.

In a blink, her surroundings switched like a light being turned off, the world around her immediately becoming even darker, as her feet found ground.

Her knees gave out as she stumbled to the floor, the knock sending a slash of pain through her already aching body. A pair of hands helped her up before she could take in anything else.

She heard two pairs of feet, that could only belong to Minho and Newt, hit the ground behind her.

Through the sudden limited light her gaze shifted from Frypan, who had aided her up, to the new enviroment she found herself in.

Their surroundings were pitch black, the only exception being the faint light filtering from above, where a gaping hole seemed to float in the darkness. The illuminated world they had left behind seemed to mock them from that high possition.

Eleanor quickly rummaged through her bag for a flashlight she knew they had stored there and turned it on, lighting the darkness.

The girl blinked.

The Gladers stood in a tight group. She looked around. Dark grey walls curved around them, damp and slimy with what seemed like thick oil. Those walls seemed to be trapping them in as a seemingly endless tunnel stretched out before them.

When the rest realised Eleanor was the source of light, they parted a path to let her get to the front.

Her heart pounded as she stepped forward. Her steps echoed against the concrete walls in this new-found silence.

She heard Newt and Minho's steps follow hers and who could only be Chuck trotting to catch up with them, probably too scared to be left alone at the back. She couldn't blame him.

Eleanor had reached Teresa and Thomas' side when she stopped. Her flashlight cut through the darkness ahead.

No one uttered a word as they gazed at the tunnel for a few seconds.

Eleanor's heart was beating very fast.

"There!" Teresa exclaimed, pointing.

Eleanor squinted her eyes and saw it too.

Way ahead, a small squared glass, that looked to be attached to the wall, reflected the beam of light from the flashlight. Beneath, laid an old computer keyboard.

"A computer." Thomas muttered in confusion.

A loud thud shook the ground. Screams and yells broke the quiet atmosphere as they ricocheted through the round walls.

And then, they were running, Chuck screaming next to her. A Griever had jumped in after them.

The light wobbled around them in a macabre show of lights and shadows as the flashlight moved along with Eleanor's hand.

Thomas was the first to reach the computer. He banged the keyboard in a desperate attempt for a way out. The first line of Gladers, Eleanor in the lead, gathered around him.

The glass immediately lit up with a greenish glow. Several straight lines were displayed across the screen.

Behind them, boys continued to scream in a terrifying symphony. The sound of metal against metal indicated the Gladers where trying to defend themselves.

Thomas hit the keyboard a few times in panic. The lines were replaced by stars one by one and then the screen turned red and turned back to the lines.

"Wait, It's a password!" Newt had to yell to be heard.

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