Chapter 14

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Eleanor woke up to sunlight streaming through the windows.

Wait, windows?

She was soon awake enough to recognise that she was still in Minho's room.

She freely blushed at the thought of having slept in Minho's bed, with Minho, when she noted that the Runner was no where in sight. And, judging from the amount of light already illuminating the room, she guessed he had left long ago to take care of his Runner duties.

Eleanor made sure she was quick in leaving Minho's room, not before making his bed, something she was sure he wouldn't even notice but she felt like she had to do anyway. She didn't know how long she had been sleeping, so she couldn't afford to take her time to get up as she liked to do.

She quickly closed the door behind her and froze.

Two pairs of eyes watched her as she turned around. She could see them gazing between her and Minho's door, and could do nothing to stop the flush that covered her cheeks at the smirks and raised eyebrows of the two Gladers.

She felt herself diving into a '
it's not what it looks like speech but caught herself in time, deciding not to give them the time of day. She didn't owe them any explanation. It was not like those boys had actively said two words to her before.

She knew what it must look like, seeing the only girl coming out of one of the boys' room, but she didn't care. It wasn't like the boys had never gossiped about her, so screw it.

Let them say what they want. I have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.

Although, by the time she was heading for the patches to meet Zart, she wished she had been a bit less careless on her way out that morining.

Apparently, over breakfast, news had spread like wildfire.

You'd have thought the Gladers would be pinning over the new Greenie, but little Chuck was as overlooked as ever. Eleanor almost felt jealous of him. She had tried to ignore the quiet side-comments, and the not so quiet ones. The stares were another story, however.

She felt the same way she had on her first day all over again. Except, it was much worse.

These were people that she knew, people that she lived with, that were treating her like a piece of meat. Then, there were the boys that had never spoken to her before shouting Hey, Eleanor with a suggestive tone as she walked by, or simply whistling like she was some kind of animal.

She felt violated and, even though she had tried to ignore them, she may or may not had given the finger to a few boys that decided it was the best time to try and flirt with her.

It was so infuriating. She desperately wanted to come across some familiar faces.

She knew that boys were pigs, living with around thirty of them for two months had proven as far, but she now knew they could be completely disrespectful.

That was why, for the first time since she had been assigned to be a Track-hoe, she was genuinely glad to see her Keeper.

"Zart, please tell me I'm on soil duty today." She fastly said, as soon as she reached his side.

"Well, good morning to you too, Eleanor." Was his response.

He didn't even look up to greet her, which was nothing new to her.

"Ugh," She groaned. "Good morning Zart"

Her overly-cheery voice and fake smile went completely unnoticed as he still hadn't returned her gaze.

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