Chapter 25

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The girl was floating.

She could feel the weight of her body against something hard, but she felt like she floating.

There was a melody, somehwere, a lullaby. She tried to discern the words to no avail. The more the girl focused, the farther it sounded, fading.

A faint sweet touch on her forehead.

Then, she was floating, literally floating.

Water surrounded her form. She felt small, fragile but completely calm and... happy. She felt happy, at peace, like she was home; where she was supposed to be.

A faint voice called out to her.

She had been expecting it, as if she had been waiting all that time to hear that voice that felt like home too. The girl knew they were calling for her, even though that was not her name that echoed. Somewhere in a hidden cupboard of her mind she had hid that voice, that touch, that name... her name.

The veils of her unconcious were slowly stripping away. The girl started to realise she was waking up, slowly, densely, coming out from a very thick fog.

The pain, however, returned all at once and she groaned involuntarily. She didn't think her head had ever felt that heavy.


That was not her name.

Wait. Yes, it was.

Opening her eyes took a lot of effort and the bright lights made the girl shut her eyelids as soon as she had opened them. She stayed like that for a few seconds, trying to understand where she was and what had happened.

"Clint, she's awake."

Her head was pounding and a sharp pain in her side made her inhale.

"Sh, sh, sh... Eleanor, take it easy."

She tried opening her eyes again, slower then, and that time she succeeded.

Two worried faces stared down at her.

"Jeff, what-"

Her fainted whisper had sent a small wave of pain through her body. She clenched her eyes. A few tears ran down her cheeks.

"You're okay. You need to take things slow, okay?"

Eleanor nodded slowly, even that made her head feel dizzy.

"You were attacked." The Keeper explained, "You'll be okay but you lost a lot of blood. We patched you up as best as we could but I think it will take a while to heal."

She could hear the apology in his voice as she diverted her gaze from his pitiful stare.

The young girl looked down at her body. A dirty sheet, that might have once been white, covered her form.

She moved her arms slowly, lifting the piece of cloth from her torso. A wide gash covered her right forearm.

She remembered the attack but she was still taken aback by the bandages covering her middle. The memory of everything that had happened weighted down on her. She didn't even think of feeling embarrased as she realised she had no shirt on, only her blood-tinted sports bra.

The wounds were still visibly fresh as she could see wet red stains over the white bandages. She felt lightheaded. She diverted her gaze, closing her eyes.

One of the Med-jacks covered her body up again.

She tried to order her thoughts.

"How long have I been asleep?" Eleanor looked at the young boys.

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