Chapter 4

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"You know, you should really eat something."

Eleanor had been sitting next to Gally for two days. She had barely slept, Gally's screams keeping her awake. But there was no way she was going to leave. She owed it to him, he had put up with her screaming. And even if she didn't owe him, it did not matter. She wanted, she needed to be there. She was scared that if she left, something bad would happen to him.

She had a horrible headache and felt she could collapse in any second. But no matter how awful she felt, she knew she wasn't suffering as much as Gally was.

Even when he wasn't screaming, his face contorted in a mask of pain, black veins populated his neck and part of his face . She had heard Jeff say they covered almost his entire body too.

She watched as he pulled against his restrains. Whatever was happening inside his mind was like a torture to him.

Eleanor's eyes filled with tears as he watched him mutter under his breath.

When Minho had come looking for her she had followed him without a second thought, her mind going crazy at the thought of something bad happening to Gally, to her friend.

"What's happening to him?" She had asked as they watched Jeff and Clint hovering over Gally.

He lay very still, his skin was starting to turn a greenish colour and his eyes were rolling around in their sockets.

"He was stung." Alby had said from across the room.

He stood, with Newt, at the other side of the bed; both of them carrying matching worried looks. Everyone else was waiting outside the Homestead, following orders from Alby. Well, more like threats.

She had no clue as to why they had let her in, but she was incredibly thankful they had.

"What does that mean?" She had asked.

Minho had already mentioned he had been stung but she did not know what that meant.

But, watching Gally, she knew it was something bad, really bad.

"It means a Griever got him." Had spoken Newt.

She had looked up, her wide eyes meeting his sad expresion. In any other circumstance, she would have been more than surprised to hear Newt speaking directly to her but nothing else but Gally was on her mind.

"A Griever?" She said, "But he... How?"

She did not understand. Gally was a Builder. He didn't go out in the Maze, and the Grievers didn't go inside of the Glade. Did they?

She was staring intently at Newt waiting for his answer, but it was Minho who spoke.

"We're not really sure. The Builders said they heard something in the north corridor. Maybe Gally must've thought it was a Glader, I don't know. I just found him there."

His voice trailed off into silence.

"He went into the Maze?" She asked in disbelief.

He had gone in to save someone who wasn't even there and got hurt in the process. He was attacked for nothing.

"What's happening to him?"

"We've injected him with the serum." Clint had said, still taking care of Gally, "It's the antidote, or it's supposed to be."

"What does it do?" Her voice had started to sound more and more broken, adopting a desperate tone.

It was taking her all of her willpower not to burst into tears.

"We're not sure." Jeff was the one to answer this time.

"Not many shanks have been stung." Alby said.

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