Chapter 28

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"You okay, buddy?" She asked, concerned.

Chuck was panting and sweating profusely as he struggled to follow the group. Eleanor had stayed a little bit behind so she could help him along but they had been running for an hour and the little boy was exhausted, his round cheeks tinted red from the effort.

The kid gave a nod but seemed too tired to speak.

She gave him a short smile and focused on her own breathing. She had never been gladder her past self had decided to get in shape. However, no amount of running in the Glade could have prepared her for what running the Maze was like.

It was suffocating, and dark, and mentally challenging; as they simply ran corridor after corridor, only to turn a corner and find yet another identical corridor. Dark grey concrete passed beneath their feet, ivy vines flying past them as the group sprinted with barely any light to guide their way but the small glimmer that managed to seep through the large walls around them.

Maybe, it would have been better if she'd known where she was going but she could only follow the group, not knowing how much longer they had left. And perhaps, it would have also been better if she hadn't been almost sliced in half the previous night. But hey! It's not like she had control over that.

She wondered if the boys who had remained in the Glade were okay. Would the Grievers have gotten there yet? Would they come at all?

They hadn't encountered a single monster since they set foot into the Maze and Eleanor's nerves were on edge, her courage flattering with each step. Every shadow, every foreign sound made her jump and gaze around, expecting a surprise attack from every direction. There had been no sign of danger, however. Although that didn't make her feel any more secure.

She spied as Minho, once again, stole a glance back to check on her. She gave him a thumbs up through the group of boys that separated them, wishing she could be with him upfront, but Chuck needed someone so she stayed there.

At least, if things got dangerous, they'd find their way to eachother. He had promised that.

"Hey, Teresa. How are you doing?" Eleanor questioned.

The Greenie was also having difficulties keeping up with the group but she had a focused look on her face and seemed determined. It was pretty impresive how well she was doing, considering she had been in a coma during most of her time there and, the rest, she had been imprisioned.

"Fine." Her answer came short.

"We're almost there." She lied, although she too wished it was true.

Another glance back to the kid behind her told her he wouldn't last much longer, and they were already falling significantly behind.

"Be right back." She let him know and fastened her pace.

Her body ached but she knew she could take it.

Passing through the Gladers, it took almost a whole minute for her to reach the front, panting.

"How much longer?" She questioned and felt embarrassed for sounding out of breath.

They rounded another corner of the never ending labyrinth.

"I don't think Chuck can keep up for much longer." She added.

"Not much." Informed Thomas.

Minho regarded her with worry. "Only a few minutes."

She nodded to him and slowed her pace once more, falling behind.

"Alright?" Newt asked as he passed her.

He was surprisingly ahead in the group, cosidering he supported a limp. But his pace seemed almost as fast as most of the runners.

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