Chapter 23

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She went for a run, trying to ease the stress she felt.

The girl, Teresa, hadn't given them any answers, only more questions. Alby hadn't let her talk to her much longer after she had revealed she remembered Thomas. He had become his usual demanding self an achieved nothing but intimidating the poor girl and annoying Eleanor in the process.

After a pointless interrogation, they had let her rest, giving the Med-jacks instructions to call if anything new came up.

So, Eleanor had left a frustrated Alby and a concerned Newt and had ran. She decided she would run until she heard the doors close. Then, she would find Minho or Chuck and she would have dinner. Maybe sneak a last minute visit to the girl, and she would try not to think about everything that was happening and get a good night sleep. Everything would undoubtedly change in the morning and she would do her best not to focus on it before she knew exactly what was going on.

Eleanor had been running for what felt like an hour, but must have been less, otherwise she would have already heard the loud thud that indidcated the closing of the Maze Doors.

She was too tired to keep running. She felt ran down after the events of the day so she decided she would call it quits and go find a friend. She felt a little disappointed in herself knowing she hadn't run as much as she had wanted to. She was getting really tired of feeling weak all the time.

Eleanor knew she was being too harsh on herself, too demanding. She had come very far. She had overcome things she didn't thing she was capable of, but she still wanted more. she wanted to be stronger, more mature, more capable. That way maybe she could really help, she could survive. She could escape.

She had just begun her way back when she heard voices near the edge of the woods. She was about to ignore them and change her direction, taking a longer route out of the Deadheads, when she realised one of the voices sounded higher, almost like it was a girl.

Teresa was not supposed to leave the Med-hut today, Alby had said. Eleanor's curiosity took over and she kept walking in the direction of the voices.

"All I want is to get back home." She heard the female say.

It was definitely Teresa, she thought as she was then close enough to hear her properly.

"Just like the rest of you."

"Yeah, well, things pretty much suck right about now. The sun disappeared and the sky's gone gray." That had to be Thomas, Eleanor thought. "They didn't send us the weekly supplies. Looks like things are going to end one way or another."

Eleanor knew what she was doing was wrong. That was a private conversation, she shouldn't eavesdrop. She would walk away quietly and leave them their privacy.

Before she could take two steps however, she heard someone else arrive at the scene, making a lot of noise.

"How in the-"

She could have sworn the one who had spoken was Newt.

Eleanor took a few steps towards them. A peak through the trees showed her that the Second-in-command was not alone. Alby, Jeff and Clint were right behind him, as well as a bunch of other Gladers. Thomas and Teresa sat together against a tree looking up at them.

Newt spoke again. "How'd you get here? Med-jacks said you were there one second and bugging gone the next."

Eleanor moved closer, no one had noticed she was there yet.

Teresa stood up. She looked defiant and spoke with confidence. "Guess he forgot to tell the little part about me kicking him in the groin and climbing out the window."

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