Chapter 16

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Varian burst into his room, sobbing.  He gave up!  Fredric wasn't even going to try to listen to him, so he had to face the facts now.  Fredric wasn't going to love him, or even care to care.  Well, that was fine.  He didn't care what Fredric thought anymore.  He gave the man enough chances.

It was only a few minutes later when a guard randomly walked into his room.  "Do you mind knocking?"  Varian snapped.  "Get out!"  Couldn't he just cry in peace without a stranger just barging in his room?  Really, it was offensive.

"I'm sorry, but the king ordered me to get you.

"He what?"  Varian used his sleeve to dry his eyes.

"Ordered," the man repeated.

"I'm not going.  If it's so important, he'd come to me," Varian grumbled, hugging himself.  "For both our sanity, he better leave me alone.  Tell him that!"

"That's not how this works, kid.  You can come willingly or I'm forced to use force on you," the man said softly but  strongly.  He obviously didn't want to be the one to be dragging Varian back.

"But I'm not a criminal!  He's treating me like a criminal!"  Varian cried in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, but you need to come, now."

Varian let out a deep breath.  "Alright, I'll go, but not for him, only because it's your job I don't want to make harder," he huffed, following the guard.

"Thank you," the guard whispered.  It was out of line, Varian knew that.  The man was going against protocol by treating him so gently and politely.

What the heck was Fredric doing now?  Had he not already been shouted at enough?  Was Fredric finally ready to listen or was it the fact that Varian hadn't cared to stick around and be forced to listen to the king yell at him when he didn't care to even hear Varian's reasoning.  Hypocrite.

After a few minutes, Varian realized that he wasn't being lead back to Fredric's chambers.  Perhaps the king had to move to different places due to his job and that was why a guard had to be sent for Varian.  Maybe that was what was going on, but something in the pit of Varian's stomach told him otherwise, but he was too scared to ask.

Finally, Varian couldn't take it any longer.  "Where are we going?"

The soilder sighed.  "I'm not sure what (not that I'm supposed to tell you) is happening.  I'm just told to bring you to the location."

"O-ok..." Varian answered, doing his best not to panic as they entered the dungeons.  If Fredric was planning to scare him into submission, well, he wasn't going to say that it wasn't working.

They stopped in front of a cell.  "Now what?"  Varian asked.

"He told me that you're supposed to step in."

"What?"  Varian cried, stepping back.  "I'm not a criminal!  I haven't done anything to deserve this!"

"It's my orders..." the man said sadly.  "Whether or not I think it's right has nothing to do with this.  I have to do my job."

Varian realized that the man was talking to himself more than to Varian.  He trembled, looking up at the guard.  "I don't think I have the guts to step in there... I'm sorry."

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