Chapter 3

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"You know, it would have just been easier if they just gave you all the same room."  Cassandra rubbed her eyes and looked at the speaker.  It was Cane.  She leaned against the doorway, holding a basket.  "Rise and shine, your highnesses."

Rapunzel sat up in her usual peppy mood.  Varian groaned and rolled over.  He and Cassandra were alike in that way.  They hated waking up and absolutely hated being woken up.  Although Varian wasn't going to harm you rather than giving you a dirty look.  Cass, on the other hand, would kill you if she wasn't so groggy when waking.

"Your clothes are all laid out, all in your own rooms,"  Cane continued as she spread out Cassandra's clothes on a chair.

"Ok,"  Rapunzel piped up, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

Varian sat up.  "What's today's plans?"

"Today," Cane began, "You three are going into town to catch a little 'burn time' as it was put."  She smirked.  "Think you can handle yourselves without me for a couple of hours?"

"You're not coming?"  Varian frowned.

"Nah, we have a coronation tomorrow.  I've gotta help set that up, but maybe I'll come along some other time when the castle isn't so booked.  You alright with that?"

"Uh… sure…"  Varian nodded, though not sounding very convincing.

"Relax, Varian.  Rapunzel and I will be with you.  Maybe we can stop by Xavier's.  Take a quick stop at the Sweet Shop maybe?  Or the Book Store?  I mean, I know this place has the biggest library in the Seven Kingdoms, but I don't know.  Sound good to you?"  Cassandra tried.

"It has been awhile since I've seen Xave's…"  Varian's face brightened up.  "I'd like that."

"Great.  Now you and the princess better get to your own rooms and prepare for the day,"  Cane cut in.

"Right!  Sorry, Cass."  Rapunzel jumped out of her sister's bed, realizing that she wasn't actually occupying her own.  "Come on Varian!  Let's hurry!"

"I'm going.  Don't worry," he promised.

Rapunzel and Varian left the room so that Cassandra could get ready.  The two parted ways so that they could go to their own rooms to prepare for their trip in the city.  As always, Rapunzel was excited and could hardly contain herself.  Varian, on the other hand, felt nervous, but he had to admit that he was excited at the idea of seeing Xavier again.  It had been a while and there was certainly a lot to catch up on, he was sure.

Neither of the three expected to be followed by a battalion of guards, however.  They marched through the streets, making it impossible to talk to any villagers or do anything.  It annoyed Rapunzel the most, but she pretended it didn't bother her that much.  Cassandra was annoyed to be stuck in between so many guards and that she couldn't actually enjoy the experience that was supposed to be their break.  Varian just didn't like all the people, but he braved on with Cassandra's hand on his shoulder.

At one point, Varian heard a villager whispering.  He heard what they said, but he decided to pretend he didn't.  So what if they thought those things about him.  It didn't, shouldn't, matter, but it kept replaying in his head.

"Xave's shop!" Varian grinned.  "Hi, Xavier!"

The man in question looked up from his work to see Varian and his sisters followed by a fleet of guards.  He smiled and waved his hand.  As soon as the teens reached the blacksmith shop, the guards crowded in with them, making it almost impossible to move.

"Hot metal!" Xavier warned.

"Guys, is this really necessary?"  Rapunzel asked.

"Yeah, shouldn't you guard us outside?"  Cassandra huffed.

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